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Ghana announces outbreak of Marburg virus for the first time

Ghana announces outbreak of Marburg virus for the first time


Recently, Ghana announced the outbreak of the first Marburg virus disease in the country after receiving a confirmation report of the disease from the World Health Organization (WHO) Cooperation Center Institute.

Investigation: Ghana has declared the first outbreak of Marburg virus disease. Image Credit: ANDREI ASKIRKA / Shutterstock
study: Ghana declares the first outbreak of Marburg virus disease in history.. Image Credit: ANDREI ASKIRKA / Shutterstock

What is Marburg Virus Disease (MVD)?

MVD is caused by the Marburg virus, a genetically unique zoonotic virus that can infect both humans and non-human primates. This RNA virus belongs to the filovirus family, which causes a rare but severe hemorrhagic fever. Other members of this family include the Ebola virus.

The Marburg virus was first discovered in 1967 when hemorrhagic fever occurred at laboratories in Germany (Marburg and Frankfurt) and Serbia (Belgrade). During this outbreak, many laboratory workers and their families became ill, seven of whom died.

Scientists say African fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) Marburg virus reservoir host. Fruit bats infected with the Marburg virus have no symptoms.

Send MVD

Previous studies have shown that infected African fruit bats have transmitted the disease to human hosts. According to these studies, two tourists were infected with MVD in Uganda in 2008 after being exposed to infected bat droppings and aerosols, which may be the route of transmission. After the first crossover of the virus from the host to zoonotic disease occurred, the infection was transmitted through human-to-human contact.

Scientists have reported that MVD spreads to healthy people through the blood or body fluids of infected people (semen, saliva, tears, etc.). Contaminated surfaces and materials can also propagate the infection. The virus continues to survive in certain body fluids, such as semen, even after the patient recovers from the MVD and becomes asymptomatic.

Occurrence of MVD in Ghana and WHO

The WHO reports that the Pasteur Institute in Dakar, Senegal, received two samples from patients in the southern region of Ashanti, Ghana. Both patients were unrelated and died. Prior to death, these patients reported symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.

The institute analyzed the sample and found that the results were similar to those reported by the Noguchi Memorial Medical Institute, confirming that both patients were infected with MVD. Both patients were male, one was 26 years old and the other was 51 years old. Both patients were admitted to the same hospital at about the same time and received similar treatment.

WHO is affiliated with a research team in the Ashanti area and health authorities in Ghana. WHO supports them by strengthening illness monitoring, tracking contacts, providing personal protective equipment, and educating them about the risks and risks associated with illness.

In the current scenario, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, Director of the WHO Africa Regional Bureau, said health authorities have effectively responded to the potential for MVD outbreaks. This quick response was needed because the MVD can send faster. With the Government of Ghana announcing the outbreak of MVD, WHO will continue to provide full support with resources to combat the situation.

About 90 individuals have been identified and monitored by MVD. Previously, sporadic MVD outbreaks have been reported in Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola. WHO also warns neighboring countries that the risk of developing MVD is high.

MVD treatment

Researchers have reported that many MVD patients can develop severe bleeding symptoms within 7 days of getting the infection. There are no suitable vaccines or medications available to treat MVD, but hydration with oral or intravenous fluids and treatment of certain symptoms will improve survival. Currently, several potential therapies, including immunotherapy, drug therapy, and vaccine candidates, are being evaluated in Phase 1 clinical trials.




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