Here’s what to expect before visiting a hospital or clinic in the Ann Arbor area:
Ann Arbor, MI-As hospitals begin to reschedule appointments, procedures, and preventive care schedules, patients can expect to be asked frequently about their temperature and respiratory health.
Increased use of masks, social expansion of waiting rooms, and increased screening are all part of the steps taken by hospitals in the Ann Arbor region to manage the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
Patients at both Michigan Medicine and St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Ann Arbor can expect everyone in the facility to wear a mask, officials from both health systems said. Employees are screened daily for COVID-19 symptoms, and patients are screened at each step as well.
Reservations and procedures may be staggered to avoid congestion in the building, and waiting rooms have been redesigned to promote social distance. Generally, both hospitals allow one visitor per patient. Patients may even need to be tested for COVID-19 2-3 days before the procedure or surgery.
Screening and other steps are all part of the strategy to keep COVID-19 and asymptomatic patients away from the risk of infection, says Amanda Barrico, Michigan Medical’s Director of Infection, Prevention, and Epidemiology. ..
“I’m sure people will probably notice some redundancy, but that’s really what they try to protect,” Barico said.
Her experience, surgery, and an overnight stay in St. Joe’s still felt like a standard hospital visit, according to Brighton-based Kathy Sheffer. Scheffer had to delay her total thyroidectomy from mid-April to mid-May. The most noticeable change: masks everywhere.
“It was like moving between stations,” Scheffer said. “Sometime after I arrived at the surgery center, I was preparing for surgery in my little space.”
Other measures are less noticeable. For example, St. Joe’s operating room facilitates air filtration and is subject to patient-to-patient and daily deep cleaning. Some floors have been designated as “COVID-free” and have not been suspected or confirmed by any patient.
“I found it really reassuring for the patient to know that everyone else in the environment was being tested for all other incoming patients,” Sood said.
Health officials said that with these precautions, those who had to delay medical care during the March and April surge should at least talk to their doctor about the risks now. With both telemedicine options and pre-doctor screening, Sud said patients should be able to comfortably treat their health just as they did before the pandemic was hit by Michigan.
“We don’t think we’re in a stage where we should postpone (preventive health) screening tests at this time,” Sood said. “I hate to think you’re delaying it, and I’m missing something. I’m so safe right now that I’m delaying my routine screening test and doing something when I can handle it as needed.” It’s a shame to be able to detect.”
Prevention tips
In addition to Wash your hands regularly and don’t touch your face, Authorities recommend practicing social distances, assuming that someone may carry the virus.
Health officials say you should work at least 6 feet away from others at home if possible.
use Disinfectant wipes Or Disinfect spray cleaners on frequently touched surfaces At your home (door handle, faucet, countertop) and Carry hand sanitizer with you When you go to a place like a store.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer also issued a presidential order demanding that people wear it Face covering the mouth and nose Inside the enclosed public space.
For additional information, And
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