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Experimental drugs may help restore insulin production

Experimental drugs may help restore insulin production


  • Researchers investigated whether pancreatic stem cell-like cells could be reprogrammed into insulin-producing beta cells for the treatment of potential diabetes.
  • They found that genes that regulate insulin expression could be reactivated by using previously investigated drugs to treat patients with lymphoma and multiple myeloma.
  • Research results suggest possible new treatment options for diabetics who rely on daily insulin injections.

According to the World Health Organization, it’s around 422 million People with diabetes worldwide, some researchers say that number 700 million By 2045.In the United States, about 1 in 10 People suffer from diabetes in 2018, which makes diabetes a country 7th The leading cause of death.

There are two main types Diabetes:

  • Type 1 (formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes) – The body does not produce hormones Insulin Or rarely do it. This form of diabetes is common in children and young adults.
  • Type 2 (formerly known as adult-onset diabetes) – The body does not produce enough or cannot use insulin properly. This is the most common form of diabetes (90-95% of all cases) and often begins later in life.

Insulin-producing beta cells usually make up 50-70% of the islets (a group of pancreatic cells). In both types of diabetes, beta cells are significantly reduced, primarily due to autoimmune destruction.

Some people with type 1 diabetes, and some people with type 2 diabetes, have to take daily insulin injections to survive. Alternatives are whole pancreas or islet transplants, which are limited by a shortage of organ donors and the associated side effects of immunosuppressive drugs.

Studies on the regeneration of insulin-producing beta cells may lead to the development of new therapies for individuals who depend on insulin injections.

In a recent study, the human epigenetic team at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, found that the investigational drug GSK-126 could restore insulin-producing beta cells in patients with type 1 diabetes by inhibiting pancreatic EZH2. I found that.

The study will be displayed in Nature journal, Signal transduction and targeted therapyy..

The EZH2 enzyme inhibits genes involved in the development of insulin-producing beta cells. Researchers hypothesized that blocking EZH2 activity could restore insulin production.

Researchers have used exvivo human pancreatic tissue from three donors, two non-diabetic donors and one type 1 diabetic donor to highly selective EZH2 for specific genes associated with insulin production. We investigated the effect of the inhibitor GSK-126.

As expected, when researchers analyzed the pancreas from type 1 diabetic donors, they noticed absolute beta cell destruction. The genes that regulate beta-cell development and insulin production in these pancreatic cells were “silent.”

Researchers have found that stimulating pancreatic cells with GSK-126 can restore the characteristic genes responsible for the development of pancreatic progenitor cells (stem cell-like cells) into insulin-producing beta cells.

Researchers have observed that despite absolute beta cell destruction, GSK-126 also restored insulin gene expression in cells taken from type 1 diabetic donors. This study is the first reported recovery of insulin gene transcription and provides strong evidence of beta cell regeneration.

Professor Sam El Osta, PhDHead of Epigenetics at the Institute for Human Health and Diseases at Monash University, and the lead author of the study described this method of restoring insulin production as “quick and cost-effective.”

“Our preliminary study shows significant insulin expression as early as 2 days of drug treatment compared to 3-4 months of the alternative approach using human embryonic stem cells,” El- Dr. Osta said. MNT..

By avoiding the use of embryonic stem cells, the authors of the study also avoided the ethical concerns commonly associated with such techniques. Another benefit of this potential diabetes treatment is that it is “less vulnerable to the risks associated with organ or islet transplantation.”

Commenting on the limitations of their study, the researchers noted that they used cells from a single type 1 diabetic donor. Additional research is needed to determine if this approach will succeed in the wider type 1 diabetic population.

Autoimmune attacks on insulin-producing beta cells also present another hurdle in developing new therapies. Dr. Hellas MatthewProfessor and Founder of Type 1 Diabetes Center, Institute of Immunology, USA

“In type 1 diabetes (and some cases of type 2 diabetes), there is a very strong (auto) immune responsiveness to islets and insulin-producing beta cells. [which] It cannot be avoided by making more of them.So while there are some interesting advances, we still have to deal with reducing this automation.[m]Unresponsive (ideally w[i]It does not systemically immunosuppress the patient), [is] It’s not easy. “Dr. von Hellas said.

This potential new diabetes treatment gives hope to individuals with type 1 diabetes, but is said to be “not an ideal target” for type 2 diabetes. Dr. John Buse, Director, Diabetes Center, University of North Carolina. “More generally [T]For type 2 diabetes, the biggest problem is that insulin generally doesn’t work well, “Dr. Buse said. MNT..

When asked how long it would take for this treatment option to become generally available, Dr. Buse said: .. And in this case, the path to drug development is complicated by the need to remove the cells from the body to the laboratory and then back to the patient. “




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