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The CDC reports the first two cases of monkeypox in children in the United States

The CDC reports the first two cases of monkeypox in children in the United States


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Two cases of monkeypox have been identified in children in the United States, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to the CDC, the two cases are unrelated and are probably the result of a home infection.

One case is an infant who is a resident of California. The other is an infant who is not a resident of the United States. Public health officials are investigating how children have been infected.

Both have symptoms but are in good health and are being treated with an antiviral drug named tecovirimat or TPOXX. The CDC is considered to be at high risk of infection and is recommended for children under 8 years of age.

Since the outbreak of monkeypox began in May, most cases have occurred between men who have sex with men. However, close skin-to-skin contact allows anyone to catch the virus. For children, this could include “hugging, hugging, feeding, through shared items such as towels, bedding, cups, and utensils,” officials said.

According to the CDC, the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine is made available to children through a special extended use protocol. The agency has also created new guidance for healthcare providers on the identification, treatment and prevention of monkeypox in children and teens.

Dr. Jennifer McQuiston, Deputy Director of the CDC’s Department of High-Result Pathogens and Pathology, said Friday that the child’s case was not surprising and the United States should be more prepared to respond.

“The social networks we have as humans mean that we are in contact with many different people. Currently, this outbreak is widespread in certain social networks, but from the beginning they I think I’ve told you that it can happen outside of your network and you need to be aware of it and be ready to send messages in response, “she said.

“I know that cases of children and women have been reported in Europe and elsewhere where this outbreak is widespread. And the same thing is happening and is expected to happen here in the United States. I think there is, “she said.

“So far, there is no evidence that the virus has spread to some extent outside these populations,” McKistton said.

As of Friday afternoon, the US government had shipped 300,000 monkeypox vaccines to US states and territories.

“That means hundreds of thousands of Americans will be vaccinated in days or weeks,” said Dr. Ashishger, White House Coordinator for Covid-19, Friday. “Jurisdiction, state territory, and city are usually vaccinated about 30 hours after ordering.”

Jha received enough monkeypox vaccine on Friday that New York City would provide at least one dose to about half of the eligible population, while DC would provide one dose to 70% of the eligible population. He said he got enough of it.

Newly released doses increase the available supply, but they cover only a small portion of the eligible population. The CDC estimates that more than 1.5 million people are eligible for the monkeypox vaccine.

According to the prescribing information for the Jynneos vaccine, the full course will be given twice every 4 weeks. The CDC and the US Food and Drug Administration state that people need both doses to completely prevent the disease.

However, in New York City and elsewhere, the virus is spreading, and authorities are giving as many people as possible the first injection, even before a second dose is available.

The strategy makes sense, Jha said on Friday.

“The FDA and CDC clearly believe that people need two doses, and why New York and many other places were able to move forward to everyone with the first dose. Because they were able to show them that higher doses were coming and that a second dose would be given, “he said. “With that in mind, we encourage people to go ahead and run out of all doses as the first dose.”

Monkeys if they know they have been exposed to the virus, or if they are suspected of being exposed due to having multiple sexual partners, or if they attend an event where monkeypox is known to be widespread. You are eligible to be vaccinated against monkeypox.

“We continue to see that the majority of cases in the United States have been reported among individuals identified as gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men,” McKistton said. More than 99% of monkeypox cases in the United States for which the CDC is informed are associated with sexual contact between men.




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