Melbourne researchers’ diabetes breakthrough may reduce the need for insulin injections
Diabetes researchers say they have made breakthroughs that can pave the way for eliminating the need for daily insulin injections.
Key Point:
- A team at Monash University was able to get pancreatic cells to produce insulin
- If the study leads to animal studies and then clinical trials, the need for insulin injections can be reduced
- According to independent researchers, this could be a “game changer” in the treatment of chronic diseases.
Monash University study published in Nature Journal Signal transduction and targeted therapyCan lead to insulin regeneration in pancreatic stem cells.
Insulin is a hormone made by what is known as pancreatic beta cells and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
In general, people with diabetes do not naturally produce enough insulin or their bodies do not use hormones as they should. Beta cells in many diabetics are unable to produce insulin at all.
“Diabetes has many forms and requires constant attention,” said Keith Al Hasani, a researcher at Monash University and one of the authors of the study.
Type 1 diabetes generally first appears when the patient is a child. Dr. Alhasani said that as young people adapt to the disease, it often means up to five insulin injections per day. Adult patients can be given up to 100 shots a month to manage their illness.
After the 13-year-old death of type 1 diabetes, researchers studied the donated pancreatic cells and used the compound to induce insulin production.
“We are currently reprogramming cells that generally do not produce insulin to express insulin,” said Ichant Flana, a researcher and co-author of the study.
Compound GSK126 has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of other conditions, but has not been used in Australia or elsewhere for the treatment of diabetes.
Researchers studied stem cells, but did not genetically modify the cells to get results.
The authors acknowledged that there is still a long way to go before potential treatments are available to humans.
They then want to collect more pancreatic cell samples from a wider range of people and then move on to animal testing, perhaps before starting human clinical trials.
According to Dr. Clana, the ultimate goal was to eliminate the need for daily injections and pancreas transplants.
This affects most people with type 1 diabetes, and about 30% of people with insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes According to Australia, about 1.8 million Australians have diabetes, which is the fastest growing disease in the country. About 500 million people worldwide have the disease.
Simon McCluden, 46, has been taking his insulin since he was seven and said it was “massive” to remove the burden of daily injections.
“I need to relearn how I live my daily life, which is great,” he said.
Neale Cohen, associate professor of diabetes clinical research at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, said Monash’s research is still in its infancy but shows great potential.
“There are many attempts to find ways to replace beta cells, but they are all very important, which means that if possible, it will be a cure for people with type 1 diabetes.” He said.
Dr. Cohen, who was not involved in the study, said in decades of research that “it seems very difficult to reprogram cells into insulin-producing cells.”
“People no longer need to inject insulin and are not burdened with this chronic disease.”
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