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Bangalore neurologists are seeing an increase in the number of people reporting brain damage after COVID-19

Bangalore neurologists are seeing an increase in the number of people reporting brain damage after COVID-19


A Bangalore-based neurologist said he was aware of a surge in complications such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s palsy, and insomnia, apart from behavioral and cognitive problems.

A Bangalore-based neurologist said he was aware of a surge in complications such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s palsy, and insomnia, apart from behavioral and cognitive problems.

An increasing number of people are reporting brain damage after COVID-19. A city-based neurologist said he was aware of a surge in complications such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s palsy, and insomnia, apart from behavioral and cognitive problems.

Held every year on July 22nd as World Brain Day, this year’s theme is “Brain Health for All”.

According to doctors, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has Ace2 receptors in both the lungs and the brain and tends to affect these areas, so the neurological complications that affect the brain are COVID- This is the second most common effect after 19 infections. As a result, the virus affects the brain and nervous tissue and can cause a variety of complications.

NK Benkataramana, founder and director of neuroscience at Brains Super Specialty Hospital in Bangalore, said that brain inflammation during COVID-19 can last for varying periods of weeks to months. I did. Complications of COVID-19. These include severe headaches due to altered coagulation mechanisms, epilepsy or arterial stroke, and cerebral venous stroke due to altered immune mechanisms.

“Some patients have peripheral neuropathy, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). In addition, existing neurological conditions such as migraine, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases can be exacerbated. There is sex, “he said.


According to doctors, nearly 30% of recovered patients develop vague symptoms such as head weight, lack of concentration, lack of concentration, sleep disorders, and lack of motivation, all of which are called brain fog. It is summarized in the syndrome.

“These patients require lifestyle changes, including proper assessment and symptomatic treatment, healthy eating, adequate sleep, moderate exercise, avoidance of alcohol and smoking, and titration of existing medications,” he said. Explained.

Suvarna Alladi, a professor and director of neurology at NIMHANS, said some recovered patients showed symptoms of anxiety, depression, and memory loss.

“This is separate from the major problems such as stroke, epilepsy and encephalopathy after the acute COVID-19 infection has subsided. It can cause dizziness, weakness, malaise and delirium,” she said. ..

Behavioral and cognitive problems

Lagunandannadig, a professor of neurology at St. John’s Medical College Hospital, said he is seeing many patients with behavioral and mood disorders, apart from cognitive problems.

“Approximately 25% of recovered patients come to us with insomnia, anxiety, and memory loss. Although they were accustomed to staying at home for the entire two-year pandemic, Some people have coordination problems. Most people recover with proper counseling / peace of mind and don’t need medication, “he said.

Guruprasad Hosurkar, a consultant neurologist at Manipal Hospital (Yeshwanthpur), said older patients with chronic degenerative neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia who were hospitalized for COVID-19 took a long time to recover. Stated. In some patients, these conditions worsened after COVID-19, he said.

“Due to the blockade, there were changes in habits, reduced social interaction, reduced physical activity, reduced access to existing medicines, fear of illness, and loss of nearby dear medicines. We still have patients with tension-type headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and depression, but we also have neuropathy and stroke, “he added.

Brain Health Clinic

As part of the Karnataka Brain Health Initiative (Ka-Bhi), the Department of Health will work with NIMHANS to launch a Brain Health Clinic at the City’s Jayanagar General Hospital on Friday.

Designed to develop models for the prevention and management of neurological disorders and promote brain health from the grassroots level of primary care to tertiary care, Ka-Bhi is pilot-based in Bengaluru South, Ticbarapur, and Corral districts. It starts with. The government has appointed cricket player Robin Utappa as the brand ambassador for this project.




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