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San Francisco Health Department Prioritizes First Administration of Monkeypox Vaccine for People at Risk Due to Shortage – NBC Bay Area

San Francisco Health Department Prioritizes First Administration of Monkeypox Vaccine for People at Risk Due to Shortage – NBC Bay Area


The San Francisco Public Health Service (SFDPH) said Friday that it would prioritize the first dose of monkeypox vaccine to people at risk and postpone the appointment of the second dose until an adequate supply of the vaccine is available.

This week, San Francisco received only 4,164 vaccines from federal stockpiles, the Department of Health said. To date, only 7,700 times have been assigned to SF. SFDPH required 35,000 doses to meet the needs.

San Francisco supervisors blasted public health responses to the ongoing global monkeypox outbreak on Thursday, called for better communication with at-risk groups, and called for an influx of vaccine doses.

SFDPH acknowledges the “rapid” increase in monkeypox cases in San Francisco and prioritizes the first dose of the Jynneos vaccine to as many people at risk as possible. The Ministry of Health said this was based on available scientific evidence surrounding accelerated outbreaks, high numbers of qualified individuals, and the extreme shortage of vaccines nationwide.

SF has identified 141 monkeypox cases so far, but the Ministry of Health predicts that more will occur. The majority of city cases have been identified in gay or bisexual men between the ages of 25 and 54, with approximately 42 percent of those cases being Asian, black, or Hispanic residents.

San Francisco has extended the vaccine eligibility to all men who have sex with men who had multiple sexual partners within the last 14 days and to sex workers of all directions or genders.

Rafael Mandelman, one of LGBTQ’s two board members and a supervisor who asked for a hearing about monkeypox, compared the city’s response to the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and 90s. Someone who remembers the early days of the epidemic.

Mandelman also compared the government’s response to monkeypox against COVID-19’s response. This was dealt with promptly and successfully after the vaccine became available and 40 million people were vaccinated, he said. He called the current response to monkeypox “completely inadequate” for the current range of outbreaks.

The federal government has stated that it plans to vaccinate about 3.5 million people with monkeypox by mid-2023, which Mandelman called “Abyssmal.”

Health professionals avoid close physical contact with sick people, especially if they show new or unexpected rashes or pain, as they reduce the chances of monkeypox infection, but they cannot be eliminated. I advise you. Those who choose to have sex when sick should avoid kissing and other direct contact.

If you have pain, you should cover it with clothing or a sealed bandage. Hands, sex toys and bedding should be cleaned before and after sexual or other intimate activities. Having sex or other intimate contact with multiple or anonymous individuals can increase the risk of exposure.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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