COVID reinfection seems to be skyrocketing with the latest Omicron waves.This is what we know
When Lindal Heather was infected with COVID-19 for the third time this year, she initially didn’t believe she had it.
Only six weeks after the second COVID infection, Darwin’s nurses were well within the immune period and could not be tested.
“I thought it was pretty unlikely, it’s probably just cold,” she said.
However, after becoming seriously ill, she went to a PCR test and learned that she had another COVID-19 infection.
“Even my manager found it confusing. I think things are constantly changing,” Heather said.
Heather, who suffered from long-term COVID symptoms such as fatigue and brain fog, said the recent reinfection left him uncertain about the future.
“I don’t think I can get it the fourth time, but unfortunately it’s the third time, so it’s very likely that I’ll get it again,” she said.
How common is COVID reinfection?
Ms. Heather is now one of the thousands of Australians who have fought COVID-19 many times, but it is difficult to find reliable figures for reinfection.
The reinfection count relies heavily on self-reported data submitted to each state’s health department when someone tests positive for RAT. Historically underreported numbers..
Heather’s second COVID-19 infection was asymptomatic and was only detected by regular workplace tests.
Health officials believe that the actual number of infected Australians is much higher than the official tally.
The states most hit by COVID-19, including: New South Wales and Victoria have rough figures detailing the reinfection of tens of thousands of people..
Other states, such as Tasmania, have recently begun tracking reinfections, or Queensland has not.
Despite the lack of quantitative data, audience submissions to ABC show that hordes of Australians are fighting the second and third COVID infections.
Internationally, it may provide insight into how reinfection surged in 2022.
What do we know about global reinfection?
A two-year study in Vojvodina, Serbia, found a sharp increase in COVID-19 reinfection after the appearance of the Omicron mutant in early 2022.
Stanford University epidemiologist John Ioanidis co-authored the study and Lancet Area Health-EuropeAnd said the study is an effort to combat the lack of documentation on reinfection.
“It’s clear that the number of re-infections is underestimated, as is the number of infections,” said Professor Ioanidis.
The results of the study were staggering.
Of the 13,792 COVID reinfections recorded in the state between March 2020 and January 2022, nearly 87% occurred in January 2022 alone.
Almost all third infections recorded in this study also occurred during the Omicron circulation after October 2021.
It illuminates data pointing to Omicron’s explosive infectivity when entering the community.
The data suggest that the first BA.1 omicron strain is three times more contagious than the original Wuhan strain of COVID.
Professor Ioanidis said the increase in cases may be an artifact due to the increase in testing, but the effects of the Omicron strain are clear.
“That’s true. There are far more infections in Omicron,” he said.
“I think this will probably follow downstream with BA.4 and BA.5 stocks, which are currently dominant in many countries, including Australia.”
Early data from South Africa suggest that BA.4 and BA.5 strains may be nearly six times more contagious. As Wuhan stock.
Chief Medical Officer Government-funded health direct service Nirvana Luckraj said COVID infections can occur more rapidly and continuously than before.
“COVID subvariants are likely to evade immunity from previous infections and can be re-infected just weeks after previous infections,” said Dr. Luccraj.
As a result, Australia has now dramatically reduced the reinfection period for tests from 12 to 4 weeks.
Who is re-infected?
A Serbian study found that reinfected patients were considerably younger, more commonly women, and more frequently employed as health care workers.
Healthcare workers in Australia are predominantly female, with the average worker between the ages of 20 and 34.
This means that people like Heather, a 28-year-old nurse, are most likely to be re-infected.
Professor Ioannidis said the numbers reflect a more regular examination schedule for the work of young adults and higher interactions with others.
“I think it probably reflects the fact that young people, especially young adults, had much higher levels of exposure,” said Professor Ioanidis.
“Fortunately, the risk of serious illness is very low for the population.”
What are the health effects of reinfection?
There is contradictory data on how dangerous the second and third COVID infections are.
A US study of nearly 39,000 reinfections from the Department of Veterans Affairs “Reinfection adds the risk of death from all causes and adverse health effects.”
“Studies show that reinfection has a higher health risk, especially for people with underlying health conditions, and is associated with a higher risk of long-term COVID,” said Dr. Luckraj.
However, Professor Ioannidis said data from a Serbian study appear to indicate that the health effects of reinfection are less severe.
“At least our analysis shows that the risk of hospitalization is one-fourth and the risk of death is one-tenth that of the original infection,” he said.
“So far, [reinfection] Very often, but not so serious. “
Will the reinfection end forever?
Given the surge in Omicron reinfections almost two years after the pandemic, concerns have moved to the next evolution of COVID.
Dr. Luckraj said that the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants are unlikely to indicate the end of the virus.
“The natural history of the virus is constantly evolving to survive, so we can expect more subvariants to emerge,” said Dr. Luccraj.
Professor Ioanidis said Australians don’t have to panic while the virus stays here.
“There is no guarantee what the next variant will look like, but what we’ve seen so far is commensurate with the evolution to the endemic stage,” he said.
“We can live with it. It would be great if we could get rid of this coronavirus completely, but that’s very unlikely.”
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