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Epidemiologists say countries are not making enough efforts to contain monkeypox.

Epidemiologists say countries are not making enough efforts to contain monkeypox.


According to infectious disease epidemiologists, there are serious concerns that the United States and other countries have not done enough to contain monkeypox from a large-scale global outbreak.

On the weekend, World Health Organization We have classified monkeypox as a public health emergency of international concern and activated the highest level of alertness to the virus.

Rare designations mean that WHO now considers this outbreak a significant threat to global health and requires coordinated international response to prevent the virus from spreading pandemicly. To do.

“This is a unique outbreak we know of this virus, but it causes very large outbreaks in many countries around the world. In fact, the number of cases shows that the United States lags behind Spain. Dr. Syra Madad, senior director of the New York City Health + Hospital Special Pathology Program, told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” on Monday.

“It’s not an outbreak to downplay. The real big concern is that it will be an established virus not only in the United States, but in other countries where the virus is not endemic,” she added.

“It’s really unacceptable,” Madad said, especially for countries struggling to contain the monkeypox epidemic, especially in the wake of the Covid pandemic.

“Given all the lessons learned in Covid-19, we shouldn’t deal with outbreaks of this magnitude and haven’t done enough to prevent it from becoming endemic,” she added.

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The WHO Declaration does not impose requirements on governments, but it serves as a call for urgent action.

Growing virus cases

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said monkeypox can spread via respiratory droplets after prolonged face-to-face interactions or intimate physical contact. The virus can also spread through body fluids, skin lesions, and contact with contaminated items such as sheets and clothing.

is more than 16,000 monkeypox cases According to WHO data, reports have been reported in more than 70 countries so far this year, with confirmed infections increasing by 77% from late June to early July.

Men who have sex with men are currently at the highest risk of infection, but the virus is beginning to spread to a wider community, Madad said.

“For example, in the United States, home infections in people with monkeypox have infected two children with monkeypox. As the infection increases in the region, these cases can begin to increase over a period of time. There is sex, “she said.

on monday, WHO warned of complacency In containing the outbreak, he said there was no guarantee that the virus would continue to spread within a particular community.

So far, cases have been predominantly concentrated in the gay and bisexual communities, but the UN health agency said there was little evidence to suggest that the disease remained confined to these groups. ..

Rather, their early detection may be a precursor to a wider outbreak.

US Vaccine Challenges

Madad said the best way to break the chain of infections is to vaccinate people who are at risk and may have been exposed to monkeypox. But she said access to vaccines is a problem, especially in the United States.

On Friday, a senior White House official said the president Joe Biden is considering declaring a public health emergency In response to the increasing incidence of monkeypox. Dr. Ashishger, response coordinator at Whitehouse Covid, said the government is considering how to strengthen the US response to the outbreak of an emergency public health declaration.

To date, the United States has reported more than 2,500 cases of monkeypox in 44 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico, according to the CDC.

“Vaccines continue to be released to regions, cities and states. By the end of this year, about 1.6 million doses are planned by the end of 2023 or the middle of 2023. Millions of doses are planned. “I have,” said Madad.

“But the problem here is that it’s not happening enough,” she added. Demand is currently outpacing supply. “We really need to stay ahead of this epidemic.”

— — CNBC’s Spencer Kimball contributed to the report.




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