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A case of monkeypox confirmed in nearby Ventura County

A case of monkeypox confirmed in nearby Ventura County


The latest California health report included 434 cases of monkeypox in the state last week, and a new case was diagnosed in neighboring Ventura County on Friday. The prevailing disease approach is comparable to COVID in an unpleasant way. First in a distant country with cases, then in a neighboring county, but unlike the new coronavirus, monkeypox has been known since 1958 and treatments already exist.

Ventura’s individual is an adult, but another case in a private county last week was an infant in California. In both cases, the route of infection was under investigation, but it is presumed that each was due to close physical contact with another infected person, their clothing, or their bedding.

Monkeypox is named because it was the first viral disease identified in monkeys in Copenhagen, and the animal is believed to be a repository of the disease. The 2022 outbreak was first confirmed in May by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country in western Central Africa where the disease is known to be endemic. Concerns began to rise when cases emerged in the United Kingdom and other countries where monkeypox is more common. The World Health Organization declared it a global health emergency on July 23, as the outbreak spread to more than 16,000 individuals in 75 countries, primarily men who had sex with men.

Early treatment of the disease caused a backlash among activists who pointed out that monkeypox was less interested in the West when monkeypox was sickening people in Africa. Others said the outbreak of HIV / AIDS among the gay community in the 1970s and 1980s has led authorities to downplay its spread.

Little is known about the Ventura case, other than Friday’s confirmation. In Santa Barbara, where no cases of monkeypox have been reported, public health spokesperson Jackie Lewis learned of suspicious cases and the mechanism for testing for viruses is in all local health care providers, hospitals and clinics. He said it was established between. Regarding risks to the general public, Lewis issued a statement from the state public health department regarding children who were in close contact with adults with confirmed infections. For people who live in the same household and cannot be quarantined because they are infected with the virus. The risk to the general public is still low, but anyone can spread the virus through close physical contact, such as hugging, hugging, kissing, or sharing bedding, towels, or clothing. Can be infected with. “

The monkeypox virus can be transmitted through close face-to-face interactions, but it is not transmitted, for example, by casual conversations or simply by people passing by.

Monkeypox lesions in UK patients | Credits: UK Health Security Agency

Monkeypox causes a painful rash that resembles acne and blisters. Some people have only a few rashes. It can appear almost anywhere in the body, but is known to occur in the mouth and genital areas. Other symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. The disease generally lasts 2-4 weeks and is rarely fatal. Isolation is required until the rash becomes a scab or resolves.

Hand hygiene helps reduce spread. In addition, public health suggests talking to your sexual partner about your recent illness and noticing a new or unexplained rash on your or your partner’s body. For more information, please visit the following URL: Pacific Pride Foundation And that Centers for Disease Control and PreventionIncludes tips for avoiding viruses at clubs and parties.

The reduction in universal smallpox vaccination is thought to be associated with outbreaks in the Congo region, but treatments such as the Jynneos vaccine exist, but recent reports are lacking and the Biden administration Nordic has received 4 million doses on order from the manufacturer Bavarian.

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