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BMC makes recommendations as swine flu cases increase | Mumbai News

BMC makes recommendations as swine flu cases increase | Mumbai News


Mumbai Mumbai has confirmed a surge in swine flu from just two cases in June to 62 cases confirmed in the last 24 days. According to BrihanmumbaiMunicipal Corporation (BMC). In 2020 and 2021, there were 44 and 64 swine flu outbreaks in the city, respectively.

Following the surge in incidents in July, BMC issued recommendations for citizens, including maintaining hand and cough hygiene and avoiding crowded areas.

“Like Covid, swine flu is an infectious disease. Fortunately, it is less infectious and infectious. It covers the nose while squeezing, coughing with handkerchiefs and tissues, eyes, nose, mouth. You must follow basic hygiene conditions, such as avoiding contact with such things, “said Dr. Mangarago Mare, Executive Health Officer at BMC.

She added that if you have a history of high fever, dyspnea, or blue skin or lips, you should avoid self-medication and consult a nearby BMC Health Post / Clinic / Hospital for treatment. .. “Treatment should not be delayed because it leads to the risk of complications and death. People with comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes, pregnant women and the elderly need to be more careful,” she said.

Dr. Pradip Awate, an epidemiologist and state observer, said cases of swine flu usually occur during the monsoon. “For the past two years, Covid has been a major infectious disease. It’s a race between viruses. Covid is now retreating across the immune-developing community, but swine flu has become more active. The rise can be seen in Tane, Cole Harple and other areas, “he said.

Dr. Kishore Sathe, an emergency medical specialist at the PD Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Center, said swine flu cases are on the rise, but the majority are mild and do not require hospitalization.

“In the last 15 days, there is definitely a surge in H1N1 type. The majority of cases are accompanied by mild symptoms of sore throat and cough. Only elderly people with multiple comorbidities are hospitalized, including ICU. Fortunately, there are medicines to treat the infectious disease, and it’s easy to control the spread of the infection, “he said.

Dr. Neeraj Tulara, an infectious disease specialist at LH Hiranandani Hospital in Powai, sees 10 to 15 suspected cases daily, about 5 of which are positive. Approximately 2 to 3 cases are hospitalized in the normal ward, and 1 to 2 cases are hospitalized in the ICU. But so far not many are recognized. “

Dr. Samirgard, Senior Respiratory Consultant at Nanabatimax Super Specialty Hospital, said almost everyone infected with swine flu had recovered within 48 hours of taking the drug. “Only a small portion of those with comorbidity require hospitalization and aggressive treatment. Length of stay is subjective and depends on the underlying illness and response to medication,” he explained.

Dr. Gardo added that since the outbreak of swine flu in 2015, ground clinicians have treated similar numbers of swine flu cases during the monsoon, and statistical trends are not alarming.

“People should not be in a hurry. If you experience symptoms such as chills, fever, sore throat, or running water, get aggressive treatment for immediate treatment. Currently, only Covid-19 is biased. Attention is back to these other viral infections that had been, “said Dr. Garde.

Dr. Vasant Nagvekar, an infectious disease expert and member of the Covid-19 Task Force, said swine flu is endemic and the number of cases is increasing intermittently. “As the number of cases is increasing, we need to be more aware of swine flu. The typical symptoms of swine flu are high fever-103 to 104. We expect the number of cases to decrease in 2-4 weeks,” he said. Said.




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