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Can I get dressed and get monkeypox?Experts answer the biggest questions – NBC Chicago

Can I get dressed and get monkeypox?Experts answer the biggest questions – NBC Chicago


As cases of monkeypox continue to spread, many suspect that they may be at risk of being infected with the virus through routine activities such as using public transport, using public toilets, or trying on clothes. I am.

On Tuesday, Chicago Public Health officials uncovered a myth about how the virus spreads and analyzed activities at the highest risk of monkeypox.

Already, the outbreak has been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 16,000 monkeypox cases have been reported in 74 countries since May. To date, monkeypox deaths have only been reported in Africa, where more dangerous versions of the virus are prevalent, primarily in Nigeria and Congo.

of Africa, Monkeypox is predominantly spread by infected wildlife, such as rodents, to people in limited outbreaks, usually not across national borders. However, in Europe, North America and elsewhere, monkeypox has no animal ties and is widespread among people who have not recently traveled to Africa.

Dr. Rosamund Lewis, WHO’s best monkeypox expert, said last week that 99% of all monkeypox cases outside Africa are male and 98% of them are related to men who have sex with men. rice field.Experts suspect that monkeypox outbreaks have spread in Europe and North America Via sex In two rave, Belgium and Spain.

Still, Dr. Am Hazra, an infectious disease specialist at Howard Brown Health, said that the majority of cases were men who had sex with men, but “the virus doesn’t care how you identify it.” “.

Health officials said Friday that two children had been diagnosed with monkeypox in the United States. In addition to the two pediatric cases, health officials said they knew at least eight women out of the more than 2,800 US cases reported so far.

Human-to-human transmission is possible through “monkeypox pain, close physical contact with fluids and items contaminated with pain (clothing, bedding, etc.), or respiratory droplets after prolonged face-to-face contact” is. To CDPH.

CDPH Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady said that most of the time it “comes from much more intimate skin-to-skin contact or kissing.”

Here are some potential activities and whether you are at risk of getting a virus.

Sexual or intimate contact: likely

“The main cause of spread is direct skin-to-skin contact with rashes and sores, which can occur very often in cases involving sexual or intimate contact,” the environment said. Dr. Janna Kerins, who is in charge of hygiene, said. CDPH.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that pregnant people can spread the virus through the placenta to the fetus.

Kiss: possible

Close or intimate contact mentioned by health professionals as a potential way to spread the virus could include kissing, Kerins said.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also states that the virus “can be spread by respiratory secretions during prolonged face-to-face contact or during intimate physical contact such as kissing, hugging, or having sex.”

Share other items such as beds and towels: possible

“We also recommend that you don’t share towels, bedding linen, fetish supplies, sex toys, toothbrushes, etc., because this is another way diffusion can occur,” Kerins said. Stated.

At a grocery store, coffee shop, or public transport: unlikely

“MPVs usually don’t spread just by having a casual conversation with someone, walking by someone,” Kerins said. “It’s not as contagious as the flu, so sharing bedding and clothing and direct skin-to-skin contact spreads long-term intimate contact. Overall, grocery stores, coffee, and even You also know public transport. Transportation is not the way we saw this spread. “

According to Dr. Sharon Welbel, Head of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control at Cook County Health, the virus usually does not spread simply by “hit someone.”

“What usually seems to happen is that there is a lesion that ruptures or opens into something that is invisible except for wounds and cracks in the skin,” she said. By bumping into someone, being in the same room as someone, or sharing a seat with someone. “

Dance on a crowded dance floor: depends on the situation

The answer to this is probably.

“It really depends,” said Dr. Massimo Pasiri, Deputy Director of Disease Control at CDPH. “Outdoor events are less risky than indoor crowded spaces because of the opportunity to get crowded, skimmed, and scanned. Next, we’ve introduced these factors. This depends on the amount of clothing you are wearing. Really, I know that there are illnesses where a very easily available intervention is a layer of clothing and not all settings are suitable for this. However, removing such risks by just wearing more clothes is certainly readily available. It’s time to have a good time knowing that it’s summer, but here’s an intervention that’s readily available. … Therefore, the barrier we can provide by avoiding direct contact and clothing is a kind of proper intervention. When we think about the event … the amount of congestion and the amount of personnel, and you As we know, the amount of certain skin-to-skin contact increases the potential risk between groups in which the disease is widespread.

Drink sharing: possible

Experts are advised to avoid sharing drinks and other items such as cigarettes and arc pens.

“Never share drinks with others,” said Pacilli. “This is one of the possible ways in which the disease can be transmitted and is appropriate to avoid, and remind us that MPVs are likely to spread. This also identifies infected individuals. It becomes clear when you investigate-it was actually a closed space such as a back room or a sex club, or where the forefront and center of activity is intimate sexual contact. That’s the spread we’re seeing. “

Dr. Patrick Stonehouse, director of public health operations at CDPH, said that what was put into someone’s mouth should not be shared with others.

“Glass doesn’t just have something in it that is a route of transmission, it’s just having something in your mouth and giving it to someone else,” Stonehouse said. Told. “They put it in their mouths, etc. Is that so? So I think there was a social media outlet called” Puff Puff, Don “at the time of the outbreak of meningitis a few years ago. give. “”

Through gym facilities or public toilets: unlikely

Public health experts have stated that the risk of someone getting monkeypox from an infected person through gym equipment or public toilets is “very unlikely”, and such cases have been reported so far. Is not …

They emphasized that people should wipe the gym equipment before and after use and wash their hands after using the toilet.

In the swimming pool or hot tub: unlikely

Experts say that the monkeypox virus is not water-based, so there is a low risk of spreading it through pools and hot tubs, especially well-maintained and clean water.

However, they warned against sharing towels and poolside clothing.

Trying on clothes or touching doorknobs at the store: unlikely

“Therefore, the virus potentially lives in some body fluid and it can come into contact with something else, so the virus, such as wearing someone else’s clothes or linen. We say that can spread, “says Kerins. .. “That said, viruses are also easily killed by disinfectants, sunlight, etc. You can’t tell from the top of your head like the exact time, but it’s rare. Its spread is touching the doorknob. It happens in. It’s possible in theory, but it’s possible that someone with an MPV felt pain and tried on clothes, took them off, and then another person tried them on. Disseminate-I think it’s very unlikely that it will happen. “

What about colleagues who may have been exposed?Unlikely

Public health officials said the risk of a potentially exposed colleague transmitting the virus to another colleague was low.

“Again, unless you have something like other types of transmission, the risk of spreading to your colleagues is low-sexual or intimate contact, direct skin-to-skin contact, you know. “I like living with my colleagues,” he said. “I can say Chicago. There is no spread among colleagues. The health department talks to individuals diagnosed with MPV, asks about close contact, and then assesses their risk level. Also, colleagues do not even see a high risk of actually needing certain vaccines because they are exposed, so the risk of spreading to colleagues is very low. “

How about in the air?There is no evidence so far

Experts warn that there is no current evidence to suggest that the virus is levitating.

What are the symptoms?

Monkeypox often begins with flu-like symptoms and swollen lymph nodes and progresses to a rash on the face and body.

Symptoms of the virus range from generalized fever, pain, and rash.

“Suspicious cases show early flu-like symptoms and can progress to lesions. Lesions can start in one part of the body and spread to other parts,” CDPH said earlier. I did.

Dr. Irfan Hafiz, an infectious disease specialist at McHenry and Huntley Hospitals in Northwestern Medicine, said the virus causes symptoms similar to several diseases, including chickenpox and smallpox.

“It can look like chickenpox or warts to an amateur,” he said earlier. “But these (pains) tend to be in exposed areas.”

Health experts also said the disease could be confused with sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and shingles, or the varicella-zoster virus.

In the United States, some experts say monkeypox Established sexually transmitted diseases In countries like gonorrhea, herpes, HIV.

Dr. Albert Ko, a professor of public health and epidemiology at Yale University, said: “The virus has several genetic mutations that suggest why it’s happening, but it requires a globally coordinated response to control it.”

How about vaccination?

Vaccine supply is very limited, as only 5,400 doses can be given in Chicago. More than 15,000 doses are expected soon from the federal government, along with an additional 2,600 doses from Illinois.

“We do everything we can to prioritize vaccination of the most endangered people, but the truth is, given that the country’s supply is very limited, it qualifies. There will be tens of thousands of individuals who are inaccessible, “said David Ernest Munner, CEO and President of Howard Brown Health.

Currently, if you have close physical contact with a confirmed case, or if you have had sex with another man and have sex in a social or sexual place, you are eligible for a double dose vaccine. there is. It also applies to those who have received money in exchange for sex or who have had sex with an anonymous partner.

The CDC recommends the Jynneos vaccine for men who have reported four or more male sexual partners within the last 14 days.

As of last week, the United States Distribute 156,000 doses The state was vaccinated with the Jynneos vaccine, increasing testing capacity to 70,000 tests per week. In many cities and states, exposure to the virus is known or presumed, including men and men having sex with transgender, gender incompatibility, or non-binary residents with multiple sexual partners. We provide vaccines to people.




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