Residents of the Palm Springs area were dissatisfied with the supply of monkeypox vaccine
Rancho Mirage resident Daniel Ferran woke up daily when new lesions caused by the monkeypox virus were found in his mouth, neck and face. They “pain non-stop” and “they are tactile sensitive,” he said, and what he has in his mouth is speaking, chewing, drinking, swallowing, and sleeping. Make things difficult.
He also said he had worked 24 hours a day to connect to local treatment options for the past five days, but came empty-handed.
At a virtual monkeypox town hall meeting on Tuesday night, 63-year-old Ferran said an infectious disease doctor had diagnosed him as monkeypox, but is now waiting for official testing confirmation from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. There is. He said he was wiped with a cotton swab on Saturday and was told to go to San Bernardino, St. Louis, Missouri, and Atlanta, Georgia on Monday.
“Hopefully one of these cities will give a positive result, which will be reported to Barbara (Cole, the county’s head of disease management), and she can start rolling some balls. Would, “he said.
In an attempt to act proactively, he called dozens of local health care providers to see if they could receive the Jynneos vaccine and available medications, but said, “With the resources I contacted, Curiously, it wasn’t available. ” A Riverside County Public Health official said healthcare providers must request treatment for their patients.
“This is crazy for me,” Ferran said he holds the paperwork he is filling out. “In the field, that’s not happening …. I have the documentation, I have the protocol. I’m a patient so I can’t send it.”
He also claimed that none of the dozens of health care providers he spoke to asked who got the monkeypox, where it came from, and who it was exposed to. did. Kim Salwatari, director of public health in Riverside County, said it was “unacceptable.”
Ferran is one of several community members who have expressed dissatisfaction and concern with state and Riverside County authorities about the availability of monkeypox vaccines and treatments during a virtual conference held by the HIV + Aging Research Project-Palm Springs. was.
Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by the monkeypox virus. People are usually infected by skin lesions and close contact with infected animal or human (living or dead) body fluids (including droplets) and can also spread through sexual contact.
Symptoms can occur 5 to 21 days after exposure and include fever, headache, myalgia, swollen lymph nodes, rash, and genital and perianal lesions. The illness usually lasts 2-4 weeks.
Riverside County reported At least 18 possible and confirmed cases Of monkeypox as of Tuesday.
Riverside County has received more than 1,000 post-exposure prophylaxis for monkeypox and helps protect more than 500 people at the highest risk of infection, county spokesman Jose Arballo Jr. told The Desert Sun. In the Coachella Valley, Bolego Health, DAP Health, and Eisenhower Health are receiving doses, but due to lack of supply, they are distributed by invitation to each high-risk patient. Dr. Jennifer Chae-binski, Deputy Public Health Officer in Riverside County, said clinics are encouraged to accept people outside the network as much as possible.
The Jynneos vaccine, approved in 2019 by the Food and Drug Administration for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox in people over the age of 18, should be given twice at 4-week intervals. In addition to having the potential to prevent monkeypox, the vaccine may also alleviate the symptoms of exposed people.
Borrego Health is applying for TPOXX supply from the CDC under the Expanded Access-Investigational New Drug Program. Tecobilimat (TPOXX), an FDA-approved drug for smallpox but not monkeypox, is available as an oral drug (3 tablets taken twice daily for 2 weeks) or as an IV drip. increase.
However, many of the meetings shared that sufficient treatment options should already be available in the valley, especially given the tourist designation and the concentration of gay, bisexual and male men having sex with men. did.
Dr. Phyllis Ritchie, a board-certified infectious disease specialist and CEO / founder of PSTest, said he was “quite surprised” that Palm Springs was not receiving any more due to its temporary nature. He said he was on the phone. ..
Join a virtual conference on Tuesday Tomás Aragón, director of public health at California, said the state expressed urgency and promoted early access to vaccines. He, along with Secretary of Health and Welfare Dr. Mark Garry, recently sent a letter to the CDC stating that the state would ideally be vaccinated with up to 800,000 vaccines.
California received about 19,500 Jynneos vaccinations between May 27 and July 10 (56,000 vaccines available nationwide), state epidemiologist Dr. Ericapan said in this month’s webinar. Said in. CDPH received 12,156 doses and Los Angeles received 7,406 vials. On July 11, California ordered an additional 25,000 of the 240,000 vaccines available nationwide (14,774 from the State Department of Health and 9,812 from Los Angeles). The third round of vaccine distribution scheduled for September should allow approximately 800,000 to 1 million doses nationwide. “We still don’t know what the California allocation will be,” Pan said. The federal government is also expected to order an additional 3 million doses in winter and early 2023.
Additional vaccine allocations will be distributed to the county by the weekend, Aragon said. Within California, more vaccines are sent to the most affected counties. According to the state data he provided, the most affected counties are Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Alameda as the top three. According to the data, Riverside County had only eight possible and confirmed cases, which was outdated given the latest update of the county on Tuesday.
He didn’t have an available number on how many vaccines would be assigned to Riverside County this week.
Aragon also added that the state is controlling about 15% to 20% of vaccines due to “special circumstances,” such as high-risk areas where infections can occur but are rare. ..
“In the coming weeks, we will have more vaccine supplies and we will make sure we reach everyone who needs them,” Aragon said.
When Ritchie asked if he promised to send a more appropriate amount of vaccine assigned to Palm Springs, Aragon said, “Given the amount of activity you have, we make sure you have some. I know to work with your local health department to get an additional dose. “
Community member David Wichman said he was dissatisfied with the state and needed the state to “bow down and shout” to get more vaccines from the federal level. He added that many of his friends were driving to other cities that were “lying and storytelling” to get the vaccine, and “we shouldn’t have to do that.” ..
“This vaccine should be here now,” Witchman said. “We have the opportunity to tackle this, but the county can’t do that unless the state actively goes to the federal government and says it has to be vaccinated more yesterday.”
Misty Plumley, Riverside County EMS Agency, added that the county is working with vaccine providers to help obtain TPOXX medicines. Staff also contacted the state monkeypox team to provide a referral path for patients to go to an existing TPOXX treatment center in a nearby county, such as Los Angeles County.
According to Chae-binski, TPOXX is primarily recommended for people with immunodeficiency and underlying skin conditions.
Delivering medicines to the community is “not under our control,” Chae-binski said. That is because of how it is distributed through national stockpiles and without an emergency use authorization. However, she said the county could help healthcare providers fill out the appropriate paperwork.
“It’s great for us already on the train to be identified as people who can get the treatment,” Ferran said when the Palm Springs region received TPOXX.
After Ferran shared his experience, many community members began to gather behind connecting him with health care providers who could offer treatment options. An Eisenhower Health official said he had contacted him over the phone.
Chevinsky also shared some symptom treatment tips for individuals with monkeypox. Keep the rash clean and dry to prevent bacterial infections when not in the shower or bath, rehydrate during illness, and warm water if there is genital or anal rectal pain or prostate inflammation It is recommended to sit in the sitz bath. Assisted Care Guides will soon be available on the county website.
Ema Sasic covers the entertainment and health of the Coachella Valley. Contact her at [email protected] or Twitter@ema_sasic.
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