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Hair loss, decreased libido, and 60 other symptoms

Hair loss, decreased libido, and 60 other symptoms


Analysis: A new study identified 62 symptoms associated with Long Covid. This includes previously lesser-known symptoms.

To Shamil Haroon, University of Birmingham When Anurada Asabura Manian, University of Birmingham

Generally reported Symptoms of Long CovidFatigue and shortness of breath have a major impact on people’s daily lives, quality of life, and work abilities. However, the symptoms of Long Covid are much more widespread.In a new study published in the journal Nature medicine, Identified 62 symptoms related to Long Covid. We also investigated several factors associated with the increased risk of developing Long Covid.

Much of the first work done to understand Long Covid hospitalizationHowever, most people infected with Covid are managed in primary care. Therefore, we generally know relatively little about Long Covid in people with mild early infections.

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From RTÉ Radio 1’s Liveline, listeners Pamela, Fiona, and Clodagh describe the fight against doctors to take long Covid symptoms seriously.

Our study analyzed electronic primary care records of more than 450,000 people diagnosed with Covid in the United Kingdom and 1.9 million people with no history of Covid from January 2020 to April 2021. Of their demographic, social and clinical features. Next, we evaluated the relative differences in reporting 115 symptoms to the GP. For those who had Covid, we measured this at least 12 weeks after they became infected.

People diagnosed with Covid were significantly more likely to report 62 symptoms, of which only 20 were found to be included in the World Health Organization. Definition of clinical cases For Long Covid.

Some of these symptoms were expected, including loss of smell, shortness of breath, and malaise. However, some of the symptoms that were found to be strongly associated with Covid for more than 12 weeks, such as hair loss and decreased libido, were surprising and lesser known. Other symptoms included chest pain, fever, fecal incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and swelling of the limbs.

Symptoms are not simply due to existing health conditions or the effects of stress associated with surviving a pandemic.

These differences in symptoms reported between infected and uninfected groups include age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, obesity index, smoking status, presence of over 80 health conditions, and past of the same symptoms. It remained even after considering the report of.

Also, younger ages, women’s gender, reduced socioeconomic status, smoking, obesity, and a wide range of health statuses belonging to certain minority groups are all at increased risk of reporting symptoms that persist for more than 12 weeks after Covid infection. I also found that it was related to. ..

Group of conditions

Given the Width and versatility Of the Long Covid symptoms reported in the study, Long Covid is unlikely to represent a single condition and may represent a group of separate conditions resulting from Covid infection. Examining how Long Covid’s symptoms vary from group to group helps scientists understand the processes of the various illnesses in the body that cause Long Covid.

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Starting today on RTÉ Radio 1 with Claire Byrne, Dr. Seamas Linan of the Postcovid Clinic at Beacon Hospital and Laura Donneran and Irene Purcell, patients of Longcovid.

Our analysis suggests that Long Covid can be characterized into three different groups based on the cluster of reported symptoms. The largest group of about 80% of people using Long Covid in our study faced a wide range of symptoms, from fatigue to headaches and pain. The second largest group, accounting for 15%, had predominantly mental health and cognitive symptoms such as depression, anxiety, brain fog, and insomnia. The third and smallest group, which accounted for the remaining 5%, mainly showed respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, and wheezing.

Where are you from here?

I was only able to assess the symptoms reported during the GP examination. Of course, not everyone reports symptoms to a doctor, so our study is limited to comparing the differences in reported symptoms between people with and without a confirmed Covid history. I did. It is possible that some patients in the comparison group had Covid but did not undergo the test or notify the GP.

Nonetheless, our study validates what the Long Covid people have said through a pandemic about the breadth and variety of symptoms.It also emphasizes that their symptoms cannot simply be attributed to other factors such as: Existing healthOr the effects of stress associated with surviving a pandemic.

Long Covid is unlikely to represent a single condition and may represent a group of separate conditions that result from a Covid infection.

To support millions of people around the world suffering from Long Covid’s chronic health effects, doctors and researchers need comprehensive tools to capture. Symptoms of Long CovidProvides the best care.

Patients with Long Covid need customized medical services that recognize that Long Covid is not a single condition, but a diverse group of overlapping conditions that require individualized care. On the other hand, clinical trials are needed to evaluate potential treatments for a range of Long Covid symptoms. This has the potential to improve the quality of life for Long Covid people.conversation

Shamil Haroon He is an associate clinical professor at the Institute of Applied Hygiene. University of Birmingham.. Anurada Asabura Manian I am a researcher at the Institute of Applied Hygiene. University of Birmingham..This article was originally published by conversation..

The views expressed here are those of the author and do not represent or reflect the views of RTÉ.




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