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Scientists aim to fight COVID with nasal vaccines

Scientists aim to fight COVID with nasal vaccines



July 27, 2022-Scientists aiming to continue evolving coronavirus Considering new strategies including nose development vaccination..

The Biden administration held a summit on the future of the COVID-19 vaccine and called on researchers to keep up to date with their efforts to stay ahead. SARS-A virus that causes COV-2 and COVID-19.

Scientists and federal authorities are trying to build on the success seen in the development of the original crop of the COVID vaccine. The COVID vaccine is less than a year old when it was approved for use in the United States. Pandemic It has taken root.

But new variants are eating up these benefits.Staff CDC The FDA has been monitoring for months how the level of efficacy of the COVID vaccine declined during the rise of the Omicron strain. And there are ongoing concerns about how COVID-19 will evolve over time.

“Our vaccine is great,” said Dr. Ashish K. Jha, COVID-19 coordinator at the White House, at the summit. But “we have to do better.”

One approach being considered is that there is a vaccine that is applied intranasally, which may enhance the immune response to COVID-19.

At the summit, Dr. Akiko Iwasaki of Yale University said an intranasal approach could help prevent the spread of the virus and reduce the severity of the disease in people infected with SARS-CoV-2.

“It’s blocking the spread of the virus at the border,” Iwasaki said at the summit. “This is similar to placing security guards outside the house to patrol the intruder, as opposed to placing security guards in the hallways of the building in the hope of catching the intruder. “

Iwasaki is one of the founders of Xanadu Bio, a private company Created last year to focus on how to kill SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal passages before it spreads deep into the respiratory tract.and July 21 Scientific Immunology Editorial, Iwasaki and Dr. Eric J. Topol, MD, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, encouraged more federal investment in this approach to combat SARS-CoV-2. (Topol is the editor-in-chief of Medscape.. )

Their editorial, entitled “Operation Nasal Vaccine-Lightning Speed ​​to Counter COVID-19,” referred to the “unprecedented success” found in the rapid development of the first two mRNA shots. .. Iwasaki and Topol said these victories were “supported by a $ 10 billion government investment in Operation Warp Speed.”

“During the first year of the pandemic, the meaningful evolution of the virus was at a slow pace with no functional consequences, but since then there have been a series of important concerns with increased infectivity and immune evasion. Seen and culminated in Omicron. Pedigree, “Iwasaki and Topol wrote.

Recent developments “spotlighted the potential of nasal vaccines,” they wrote, saying that these types of vaccines “can help promote circulation.” Immunity.. “

Early retreat

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA) have long considered scrutinizing a range of next-generation vaccine concepts, including those that induce mucosa. Immunity, Washington post Reported in April.

At the summit on Tuesday, several participants at the White House Summit, including Jha, emphasized that the role of public-private partnerships is key to the rapid development of the first COVID vaccine. They said they needed continued support from the US government to make progress in this area.

One of the summit presenters, BiaoHe, PhD, founder, and president of CyanVac and Blue Lake Biotechnology, talked about the federal support that his efforts to develop intranasal vaccines have received over the years. .. His Athens, Georgia-based company already has an intranasal vaccine candidate, CVXGA1-001. Phase 1 test.

CVXGA-001 is based on a technique already used in the nasal cavity, a veterinary product. vaccination Used for a long time to prevent kennels cough For dogs, he said at the summit.

However, there has already been at least one setback in the new field of intranasal COVID vaccines.

Biotechnology Ultimate Inc. June 2021 Following the disappointing Phase 1 results, it has announced that it will discontinue the development of an intranasal AdCOVID vaccine. The vaccine appeared to be well tolerated in the trial, but immunogenicity data showed lower-than-expected results in healthy volunteers, especially given the response seen in already cleared vaccines, Ultimatemune said. Said in the release.

In a statement, Ultimate Science Director Scot Roberts, PhD, said study participants lacked immunity from previous infections or vaccinations.

“We believe in the past Immunity In humans, it may be important for a strong immune response to intranasal administration of AdCOVID, “he said.

At the summit, Marty Moore, PhD, founder and director of science for Meissa Vaccines, based in Redwood City, California, mentioned the future challenges of intranasal COVID vaccines, while at the same time as a possible approach. Emphasized what he was seeing. (Meissa also advanced the intranasal COVID vaccine up to the Phase 1 test.)

“No one here today can tell you that the mucosal COVID vaccine is working. We aren’t there yet. We need clinical efficacy data to answer that question,” Moore said. Stated.

However, he said the intranasal approach could be a “knockout blow to COVID, an infection-blocking vaccine.”

“The virus is mutating faster than our ability to manage vaccines, and not enough people are getting boosters. These injectable vaccines are excellent at preventing serious illness. It works, but it rarely prevents infection, “Moore said.




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