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Millions of people still don’t smell or taste after Covid-19

Millions of people still don’t smell or taste after Covid-19


Are you still suffering from your scent sensation after the match with Covid-19? You are not alone.

A new analysis suggests that it is estimated that about 5% of patients with confirmed cases of Covid-19 (about 27 million people worldwide) suffer from long-term odor and taste loss.

In Analysis presented at the BMJ on Wednesday (Peer-reviewed medical journal of the British Medical Association), The researchers evaluated 18 previous studies on olfactory and taste loss on several continents and various demographic groups. Approximately three-quarters of those affected by loss of taste and smell regained their sensations within 30 days.

Recovery rates improved over time, but about 5% reported “persistent dysfunction” 6 months after being infected with Covid-19.

Analysis suggests that loss of odor and taste may be a long-term concern and requires more research and health resources for patients suffering from long-term symptoms.

Dr. Zara Patel, a nasalist at Stanford University who was not involved in the BMJ study, said that odor loss is associated with increased mortality in the elderly and is significant to people’s emotional and psychological well-being. He said it has been shown to have an impact.

“Millions of people around the world are now declining their sense of smell. This may just be a new public health crisis,” Patel said.

Smell loss was one of the clearest markers of Covid-19 in the early days of the pandemic.

“We can track pandemics around the world,” Patel said by analyzing Google searches for sensory loss.

The BMJ analysis provides an extensive review of odor studies worldwide and over time. Data from approximately 3,700 patients were included in the analysis.

All North American, European, and Asian studies were included in the analysis, showing that women are less likely to regain their sense of smell and taste than men. Patients with a large stuffy nose were also less likely to recover.

The analysis showed that the proportion of patients who recovered their sense of smell over time was steadily increasing. After 30 days, about 74% of patients recovered. After 90 days, the number reached up to 90%. Six months later, about 96% of patients said they were able to smell again.

Scientists are beginning to understand how Covid-19 affects sensory function.

Coronavirus often causes cleft lip, or swelling of the cleft lip Upper part of the nasal cavity A place where humans perceive the sense of smell and process flavors beyond basic tastes such as acidity and bitterness.

Researchers are thinking that the virus does not first infect the sensory neurons, but latches them to support cells that help the neurons provide signaling pathways.

Patients suffering from sensory loss after Covid-19 constitute a unique subset, said Dr. Aria Jafari, a nasalologist at the UW Medical Sinsal Center in Seattle, who was not involved in the new analysis. I did. “They tend to get better quickly and make sense based on the cells affected.”

According to Jaffari, about half of the deprived patients are likely to have been infected with Covid-19 at some point. Many have experienced dramatic effects on their well-being due to loss.

“They tend to be upset about the loss of smell. It’s a very important part of our daily lives and what makes us human,” says Jaffari, who determines the smell and taste of professional chefs, chocolatiers and others. He added that he dealt with people who depended on their ability to live. “The most common thing I hear is that it leads to social isolation and, as they know, feels separated from the world and society, and that’s really annoying.”

According to Jaffari, many patients return to the sensation of smelling something that isn’t there, such as burning rubber or smoke, or feeling an unusual stink, which can be a “potentially painful” transition period. Also explains.

People who can’t taste or feel can have an increased incidence of mental illness, depression, and anxiety, Jaffari said. In extreme cases, Jaffari said he treated patients who became malnourished after losing their sense of smell and taste.

Smell underlies the way we interact with each other and walk our way in the world: “First impressions of others, the people we choose for sexual encounters and lifelong partners. Is instructed. Clues from scents can unknowingly affect people’s attractiveness to others, based on the underlying genetics. Research suggests..

The analysis relies on studies using data self-reported by patients. Patel said it could underestimate the true sacrifice of sensory dysfunction and distort some of his findings. Because people may not be able to recognize how sensitive they have lost.

The authors of the study agreed.

“Many studies to date have shown that objective olfactory tests can identify far more people who have lost their sense of smell than if they were asked to self-report,” said the author of the study, Otorhinolaryngologist. Professor Song Tar Toh wrote. & Neck surgery at Singapore General Hospital, by email. “The actual number of people affected can be much higher than we estimate.”

Patel believes that the true rate of sensory dysfunction in people who have experienced Covid-19 can exceed 20%. Women are less likely to have difficulty recovering, but may be more aware of their long-term lack of sensory abilities.

“Overall, women have a sharper sense of smell than men on average,” Patel said. “We know that people with a more sensitive sense of smell and taste are much more likely to recognize it when they are lost and are more likely to seek care for the loss.”

According to Jaffari, the BMJ analysis generally tracks his clinical experience and observations of patient recovery.

“It’s great to collate data from around the world to better understand what’s happening and to remove some variability from these analyzes that are specific to patient populations and institutions,” said Jafari. Stated. “It raises the level of evidence as a whole to support what we see in our office as a sinus surgeon.”

According to Patel, early versions of the Omicron variant did not appear to affect the sense of smell more than the previous Covid-19 waves.

However, the latest subvariant, BA.5, may have reversed that trend.

“We don’t have enough data to know for sure,” Patel said. “I’m now starting to see the uptrend again in my clinic.”

We offer treatments for those who have lost their sense of taste and smell due to Covid-19.

Structured sensory training (patients sniffing essential oils such as lemons, cloves, eucalyptus, and roses twice daily to stimulate different types of neurons) re-educates the brain to recognize different scents. can do. Doctors often prescribe steroid rinses in the sinuses to reduce inflammation and assist in training.

A few New evidence It suggests that omega 3 fatty acid supplements may help patients with sensory dysfunction.

Patel and colleagues are looking for other treatments, such as nasal injection of platelet-rich plasma and electrical stimulation.

Patel said he hopes that research funding and public interest in sensory and taste dysfunction will continue to grow, allowing researchers to dig deeper and unleash new therapies.

Before the pandemic, “it was an orphan, a feeling of Cinderella,” Patel said. “Only after millions of people have been affected or loved the affected people will they understand the great impact of smell and taste on your quality of life.”




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