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‘Watching carefully’: California not ready to declare state of emergency over monkeypox

‘Watching carefully’: California not ready to declare state of emergency over monkeypox


SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California officials are acting “extremely urgently” to demand more vaccines and slow the spread of the monkeypox virus, but as the city of San Francisco announced Thursday, the statewide has not yet decided whether to declare a state of emergency. state public health officials said on Friday.

Dr. Thomas Aragon, director of the California Department of Public Health, said the focus is on getting accurate information to the public and expanding testing. He said he is using the relationships forged with local health departments and clinics during the coronavirus pandemic to quickly distribute vaccines.

“We are carefully considering whether it is necessary to declare a state of emergency,” he said at a press conference. At this point, the state is “actually mobilizing the enormous resources and infrastructure it built for COVID and using it for monkeypox.”

The monkeypox virus is spread through prolonged close skin-to-skin contact, such as cuddling, snuggling, kissing, and sharing bedding, towels, and clothing. Until now, it was mostly men who had sex with other men who got sick. But health officials stress that the virus can infect anyone.

On Thursday, San Francisco declared a state of emergency and New York state declared the monkeypox virus an “imminent threat” to public health, paving the way for greater flexibility and speed. The World Health Organization last weekend declared monkeypox outbreaks in more than 70 countries a global emergency.

California has reported nearly 800 probable and confirmed cases over 3,000 confirmed cases in the United States. Only New York reports more cases.

The problem is a nationwide shortage of vaccines, and on Friday two U.S. senators from the state wrote to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra asking him to provide at least 600,000 additional doses of monkeypox vaccine to his hometown. requested.

California has distributed more than 25,000 doses of the vaccine and expects another 72,000, Aragon said.

A spokesman for California Gov. Gavin Newsom said the state has contacted manufacturers directly about higher doses.

In an interview with KTVU-TV last week, Newsom said, “We are not close to what we should be.

Members of the LGBTQ community are outraged by the slow response from governments at all levels, saying the world should have been better prepared to produce and stockpile vaccines. As always, they express frustration at the lack of vaccine availability and fear being abandoned again by the public health crisis.

California Senator Scott Weiner, a Democrat representing San Francisco, has called on the state to declare a state of emergency. But he also said Friday that state leaders acted with appropriate urgency.

“I think locals, states and federals are all rowing in the same direction at the moment. With a limited time frame to control this outbreak, we all just need to row faster. ‘ he said.




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