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Coronavirus: Sewage-based tests may register infection spikes up to 10 days earlier than medical-based tests


Scientists are working on developing standardized systems for detection Coronavirus Sewage can detect outbreaks of infection up to 10 days before current methods.

By creating sampling, testing, and scientific modeling techniques, researchers hope to reduce the dependence of large populations on testing and pose financial and logistical challenges.

It is hoped that this method will be adopted by experts and government agencies as part of national oversight. COVID-19 Infection level.

The World Health Organization says there is currently no evidence of coronavirus transmission through sewers.

However, the test can detect genetic residues from the wastewater of Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19 disease. Infected viruses are believed to excrete the virus from feces.

Scientists believe that nationwide monitoring of sewer systems can identify future disease hotspots.

Researchers will also assess the potential infection of coronaviruses in wastewater and sludge as part of a new £1m research program.

By understanding the infectivity of viruses in wastewater, they believe they can assess the risk to sewage treatment plants as well as animals and people exposed to sewage in rivers and oceans.

The program, which will continue through October 2021, is led by the Center for Ecology and Hydrology in the UK, with scientists from universities in Bangor, Bath, Edinburgh, Cranfield, Lancaster, Newcastle, Oxford and Sheffield, and London. Hygiene and Tropical Medicine School.

Work is coordinated by the Joint Biosecurity Center, which works closely with Defra, the Environment Agency, and the water company.

Dr. Andrew Singer of the UK Center for Ecology and Hydrology, principal investigator of the new National Covid-19 Wastewater Epidemiology Surveillance Program, said: Virus-Can be detected in wastewater before admission to a local hospital. In short, wastewater can become a “coal mine canary” for Covid-19 and other emerging infectious diseases.

“Research focuses on wastewater-based epidemiology – the concept is based on analysis of wastewater for markers of infectious diseases, illegal drugs or pharmaceuticals, and better informs public health decisions.

“By sampling wastewater from different parts of the sewer network, we are gradually narrowing the outbreak to smaller geographic areas and prompting public health officials to quickly intervene in those areas at the highest risk of spread. can do.”


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