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Israel was world leader in fighting COVID-19 with vaccine, now preparing for monkeypox

Israel was world leader in fighting COVID-19 with vaccine, now preparing for monkeypox


Thousands of small vials of the rare and valuable vaccine are about to be sent to clinics across Israel for the country’s first blitzkrieg to control the monkeypox outbreak.

Israeli health officials have taken the unusual approach of securing 10,000 monkeypox vaccines for the population, despite only 125 documented cases of the disease.

They also expressed a desire to obtain more supplies in the future.

Gal Wagner, an LGBT health expert in Tel Aviv, said there has been a “rush” for a vaccine since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox a global emergency.

“People are afraid of the virus and really want to protect themselves,” Dr. Wagner said.

“When we started talking about getting vaccinated in Israel and the Ministry of Health declared that they had bought the vaccinations for Israel, we realized that so many patients were really happy and wanted to get vaccinated right away. I saw that you wanted to receive it.”

Israel’s swift response to monkeypox is the second time in recent years that the country has mobilized swiftly against a health threat.

“There is no room for complacency”

Dr. Wagner’s clinic offers vaccines to high-risk Israeli patients, including HIV-infected men born after 1980, men on pre-HIV-exposure medications, and men with sexually transmitted infections this year. was one of the first hospitals to offer

A gray-bearded man in a lab coat stands in a GP's office lifting a vial from a large box of vials.
Dr. Gal Wagner, an LGBT health expert in Tel Aviv, says many of his patients are relieved that Israel is tackling monkeypox so quickly. (ABC News: Hider Jones)

Found in more than 70 countries, monkeypox is not a sexually transmitted disease.

However, this global outbreak has so far been detected mostly in sexual networks of men having sex with other men.

The WHO warns that no one should assume that the outbreak will remain confined to this community.

“There is absolutely no room for complacency … Hourly, daily, weekly, rapidly changing outbreaks are expanding their reach into previously unaffected regions,” said WHO’s Regional Director for Europe. Hans Henri P. Kluge said:

The WHO said the disease, which belongs to the same virus family as smallpox, is spread through close contact with an infected person.

Plastic tube with red lid, sticker reading" virus sampling tube" on the side
Monkeypox infection can be confirmed by swabbing blisters and scabs on skin rashes.(ABC News: Hider Jones)

It can also be transmitted through infected particles, such as bedding and towels.

Those infected with monkeypox It is usually accompanied by fever and body pain before the blistering rash appears on the body.

Although it can be quite painful, the majority of patients recover completely.

Israel wants to be a world leader in the fight against infectious diseases

Enthusiasm and speed in immunization is the tactic Israel relied on when COVID-19 emerged.

Early in the pandemic, the government struck a deal with Pfizer to obtain supplies of the vaccine in exchange for granting pharmaceutical companies access to Israeli personal health data.




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