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Having a baby with hepatitis B: prevention and treatment

Having a baby with hepatitis B: prevention and treatment


Hepatitis B is a serious infection that can cause serious liver damage, including chronic liver disease and an increased risk of death. A common route of transmission of hepatitis B is transmission from parents to children during pregnancy and childbirth during childbirth.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent hepatitis B from being passed from parent to child. To learn more about these methods and how to protect your baby from hepatitis B infection, keep reading.

Hepatitis B It is an infection that causes inflammation and can damage the liver. The prefix ‘hep-‘ refers to the liver and ‘itis’ is used to describe inflammation.

The liver is an important organ for your body because it breaks down nutrients and drugs, releases substances that help fight infections, and acts as a filter for the blood.

Hepatitis B is a type of viral hepatitis.Other examples viral hepatitis form include:

  • Hepatitis A: You can get hepatitis A by eating or drinking contaminated food or coming in contact with the stool of someone who has hepatitis A. Hand washing is an important way to prevent infection.there is vaccine series For hepatitis A. This condition can cause illness for weeks or months, but liver damage usually does not last.
  • Hepatitis B: You can get hepatitis B through contact with bodily fluids, such as when a parent with hepatitis B gives birth to a baby. Also called mother-to-child transmission. Hepatitis B can cause mild to severe and potentially lifelong illness. There is a vaccine series, All infants should be vaccinated against hepatitis B To prevent liver-related diseases.
  • Hepatitis C: You can get hepatitis C through contact with the blood of someone who has hepatitis C, and this can include babies born to someone who has hepatitis C. There is no vaccine for hepatitis C. liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Hepatitis B can cause serious infections in babies. This condition can also be prevented with vaccines and treatments.

Hepatitis B is spread through contact with the blood and body fluids of people with hepatitis B. In babies, the most common method of transmission is hepatitis B-infected birth parents who pass the virus to their babies at birth.

During the birth process, the baby’s eyes, nose, or mouth may come into contact with the blood of the birth mother. If this parent has her hepatitis B infection, the baby can get it.

A person can become infected with hepatitis B at any time in life, but if hepatitis B is acquired at birth, higher rates of liver disease compared with those who become infected with hepatitis B later in life.

Babies with hepatitis B usually do not experience symptoms. However, it can happen later.

of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) It is reported that 30% to 50% of hepatitis B patients aged 5 years and older are symptomatic. These include:

  • stomach ache
  • clay-colored stools
  • dark urine
  • Malaise
  • heat
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
  • joint pain
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting

If your baby received the hepatitis B vaccine at birth, your doctor can: Post-vaccination serology (PVST) After completing the series. This test can confirm that the child has immunity to her hepatitis B virus.

Because the hepatitis B vaccine is given serially, doctors usually do PVST until the baby is born. 9 and 12 months oldThis test can also be done 1-2 months after the child has completed a course of hepatitis B vaccines if the course was delayed.

If you are a person Test positive for hepatitis B During pregnancy, there are steps a health professional can take to reduce the chances of your baby becoming infected.

If a parent becomes infected with hepatitis B during pregnancy, Recommended by CDC Their babies should receive hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) and single-antigen hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of birth. After that, the baby should continue her Hepatitis B vaccine series.

This treatment protocol can reduce the risk of parent-to-baby transmission. 90 and above.

Some birthing parents have high levels of hepatitis B in their blood. Therefore, even with treatment, babies are more likely to get chronic hepatitis B. In this case, doctors may recommend antiviral therapy for the birthing parent. These treatments can reduce the risk of infecting your baby.

there is There is no cure for hepatitis BThere is no specific treatment for hepatitis B in babies if the baby is already infected. Health professionals usually recommend supportive care. This means treating any symptoms your baby may have and trying to stay hydrated.

Doctors may also recommend that people with hepatitis B be monitored regularly for signs of affected liver function throughout their lives. There are drugs called antiviral drugs that help treat hepatitis B.

The most important risk factor for hepatitis B in infants is being born to a biological parent with hepatitis B infection. may have hepatitis B However, they are unaware that they are infected because the virus does not always cause symptoms. For this reason, doctors usually test her for hepatitis B as part of routine prenatal care.

Another risk factor is close postnatal contact with hepatitis B-infected family members. For this reason, doctors recommend that the infant get her full hepatitis B vaccine to prevent infection.

If a baby gets hepatitis B, 90% chance They develop lifelong infections. In his 10% of babies with hepatitis B, the infection may clear.

Untreated hepatitis B in babies can lead to serious and fatal health complications. Hepatitis B can cause many severe effects on the liver, including liver disease or liver cancer.Estimate 25% of babies People with chronic hepatitis B infection die of cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Through prenatal care and blood tests, expectant parents can know if they are at risk of transmitting hepatitis B to their baby.

Treatments and vaccines help babies prevent lifelong infections that can increase the risk of early death.

If you are pregnant, talk to your doctor about how to protect yourself and your baby from hepatitis B.




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