Research reveals that eating processed foods like ice cream impairs brain function
While it’s clear that a diet of hot dogs and ice cream won’t lead to a healthy physical life, new research reveals that ultra-processed foods can cause a significant decline in brain function.
A study published on Monday Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in san diego Food overview Instant noodles, sugary drinks, and frozen foods all contribute to faster cognitive decline.
Rafael Perez-Escamilla, professor of public health at Yale University, said:
“Just 100 calories of processed food can affect your physical health. So that’s two cookies.”
Studies have linked ultra-processed food consumption to health problems such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. “And now we’re starting to realize that they affect the mind,” said Perez-Escamilla. Processed foods also function at the micro level with billions of bacterial cells that (impair) their function.”
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New study links processed foods to cognitive decline
At the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, researchers presented findings from a Brazilian study (not yet peer-reviewed) that looked at diet and cognition in 10,000 middle-aged and older people.
Findings show that participants who consumed 20% or more of their daily calories from ultra-processed foods lost weight over 6 to 10 years compared to those who ate a diet containing little or no processed foods. It turns out that cognitive decline was much faster.
“This is a solid study, and the evidence is very consistent with what we’ve seen in ultra-processed foods over time,” said Perez Escamilla, who was not involved in the study.
Processed foods don’t make you feel as full as when you eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, potatoes, eggs, seafood and meat, so they require little preparation and are often easy to consume. Various ultra-processed foods can even be disguised or advertised as being healthy.
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Previous research on ultra-processed foods had previously shown signs of cognitive decline, an increased risk of dementia.a Research published last week People in the UK were found to have a 25% higher risk of developing dementia for every 10% increase in daily consumption of ultra-processed foods.
“Ultra-processed food is a problem that starts not only later in life, but in early childhood, preschool life,” Perez-Escamilla said. It’s time to develop your tastes and preferences.”
What is processed food?
Processed foods contain few raw materials and often contain flavorings, colorings, or other additives. The list includes breads, crackers, cookies, fried snacks, cream cheese, ice cream, candies, sodas, and hot dogs. Frozen foods are also at the forefront of processed foods.
A US diet study revealed that 58% of calories in the US are consumed through processed foods. 2016 Peer-reviewed research.
Claudia Suemoto, author of the study on cognitive decline and assistant professor of geriatrics at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine, says it’s essential to look beyond just calorie counting when considering both mind and body. increase.
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“Regardless of the amount of calories, regardless of how much healthy food you try to eat, ultra-processed foods are not good for your cognition. told NBC News“Sometimes it’s easier to just open the package and put it in the microwave, but in the long run you lose years of life.”
Dr. Kate Shanahan, an expert in food toxicology and author of Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food, describes fried food in restaurants as the “worst of the worst,” with French fries being the most fattening. I pointed out that it was one of the food items. of food.
“If you try to google the definition of processed food, you’ll get all sorts of different answers,” Shanahan said. “Processed foods are foods that contain large amounts of ingredients that are not good for your health. It can be processed carbohydrates such as flowers, sugars and protein powders. We call them the eight unhealthy oils: corn, canola, cottonseed, soybean, sunflower, safflower, rapeseed, and rice bran.
Socioeconomic factors make it difficult
Percy Griffin, director of scientific engagement for the Alzheimer’s Association, said in a statement that the latest research shows a correlation between processed foods and cognitive decline, rather than a direct cause. He said there are many considerations in the consumption of
“The increased availability and consumption of fast, processed and ultra-processed foods has led to less access to healthy foods, less time to prepare foods from scratch, inability to purchase whole food options, etc. , due to a number of socioeconomic factors,” said Griffin. said in a statement.
Just over half of the participants in this study were female, white, or college graduates. The average age was 51 years.
Adrienne DePaul, a registered dietitian at Chicago’s Health Loft, says the increased prevalence of ultra-processed foods is often a result of the budgets of many Americans, who have less money and access to fresher produce. It’s important to empathize with those who can’t.Whole foods when grocery shopping.
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“Ultra-processed foods tend to be consumed more frequently by people who have financial constraints or who don’t have time to prepare meals from scratch,” DePaul said. We have to be careful about changing things.”
Shanahan pointed out that there are still workarounds to maintain a healthy diet. Dairy products, eggs, and ground meat serve as highly nutritious foods for those on a tight budget. Our bodies need high-quality protein, and there are several ways to get it.”
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