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Monkeypox does not heal quickly.Here are the signs to look for and how to avoid it

Monkeypox does not heal quickly.Here are the signs to look for and how to avoid it


Monkeypox infections continue to increase in the United States. Illinois and California declared states of emergency on Monday, and the World Health Organization said the outbreak is a global health emergency.

What does the disease look like here in Minnesota and who is at risk? .

The transcript below has been edited for length and clarity. Click the audio player above to listen to the conversation.

What is monkeypox?

Monkeypox has historically been a viral infection, and over the past few decades we have known about this virus, which is prevalent mainly in Africa. Although we have seen cases resulting from animal exports and travel to parts of the world not normally susceptible to monkeypox.

I think what’s really unique about this outbreak is that there are a lot of cases occurring at the same time in parts of the world that aren’t traditionally susceptible to monkeypox. I believe there is a case nearby. So this is the largest outbreak we’ve seen so far.

correct. So it’s really close physical contact that spreads it, and I think a lot of people know that it’s hard to have sexual contact without an element of close physical contact. can spread steadily through

But the message we want to send people is that it doesn’t necessarily have to be a sexual act. I have.

that’s right. This is a concern based on experience with other outbreaks. And I think there are certain risks that seem to be more common among men who have sex with men. And certainly, we want to let those communities know so they can take appropriate precautions.

We recognize that this is not really spread through sexual contact alone, and we want to seek out and pass on protective messages to other communities as well. I think vigilance is what we’re aiming for.

Are children at risk?

Infections have been seen among children, some with severe infections. So I don’t want to underestimate that risk. At the same time, however, large numbers of cases have never actually been seen in the general population, making it a relatively rare case among children.

Sure, there are other infections in children like hand-foot-and-mouth disease that are more common. think.

What about Minnesota cases?

New data announced [Tuesday] There are 38 confirmed cases here in Minnesota, according to a morning report from the Minnesota Department of Health. I think it was around 33 last week. And indeed, in the last few weeks, a case has arisen.

So even though we’re adding a few new cases a day, it’s not really growing as fast as we saw 800 or so cases in New York and 500+ cases in Illinois. is not on the same scale as some states with large outbreaks. But cases are steadily rising here in Minnesota.

And how do you know if someone has it? Is it pretty obvious?

yes and no. Really, the key feature that people have is the rash. And it changes over time as the disease progresses. As such, it can start as small patches on the skin and progress to blister-like or pus-filled patches.

The problem is that some of these rash diseases can be fairly confined to small areas of the body. , people may miss the signs of a rash.

So, rash illness should be checked with your healthcare provider, especially if you have been in contact with an ill person or engaged in any type of activity known to be a risk factor. I think there is.

As such, fever and fatigue were historically thought to precede the rash. I think what we’ve learned from this outbreak is that they can come later.

What’s the best advice on how people can protect themselves?

I think we are aware of where the disease is prevalent and take precautions proportional to the level of risk. I think we all know it spreads through sexual activity with partners met through websites and such.

There is a vaccine available, but the supply of that vaccine is rather limited. So for people who perceive themselves to be at high risk, some of the typical places people seek sexual health care are really good places to check in about vaccines and talk to their health care providers. think.

I think this situation is changing very quickly. As such, many community practitioners may feel a little lost and struggling to keep up. That’s why infectious disease specialists like me exist. Too many healthcare systems have infectious disease specialists. And I think we’re paying extra close attention to how this is evolving to make sure we’re providing people with accurate and timely information.

They say that testing is really important. I think we’ve really scaled up our testing capabilities. Therefore, it is very important to test for monkeypox when people have rashes or lesions, even if they do not have traditional risk factors. This gives us a real picture of the number of monkeypox cases and how the circulation of this disease is changing over time. And we can give people the most accurate and up-to-date information about this outbreak.

If I am diagnosed with monkeypox, how effective is treatment?

There are treatments available, but they are not widely used because this is a very new outbreak. And it could just be a skin rash that limits people’s ability to function.

In particular, this is seen in the mouth and genital area – and it can be very distressing. increase.

I think the most important thing is for people to see a doctor if they are concerned. Not everyone with monkeypox needs treatment, but it is certainly available if you need it.

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