Heart Disease Risk and Red Meat Digestion
- Researchers report that the way our bodies digest red meat may contribute to the increased risk of heart disease.
- Experts recommend cutting red meat consumption in half and following a more plant-based diet.
- They add that other lifestyle factors such as sleep, exercise and stress may also contribute to heart disease risk.
Traditional Thinking Says Effects on Your Health cardiovascular system to eat red meat high level results saturated fat in the growing meat blood cholesterol level.
Scientists completing the new study used data from nearly 4,000 participants. They said he was over 65 and the average age he was 73. Two-thirds were female and 88% were white.
Participants were free of cardiovascular disease at the start of the study and lived in one of four communities. Sacramento, California. Hagerstown, Maryland. Winston Salem, North Carolina. and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Participants first completed a dietary questionnaire that included consumption of red meat, processed meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. They reported how often they ate these foods, from not eating them to every day or almost every day.
The second survey asked about consumption frequency over the past 12 months.
fasting blood Samples were taken and researchers tested these gut microbiota Previously associated with red meat containing trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO).
According to a Tufts University press release, researchers found:
- Higher intakes of unprocessed red meat, whole meat, and whole animal products were found to be associated with a higher incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) during a median follow-up of 12.5 years. .
- The increased risk of ASCVD associated with meat consumption was also mediated in part by blood glucose and insulin levels and systemic inflammation.
- Fish, poultry, and egg consumption were not significantly associated with ASCVD.
“Eating more meat, especially red meat and processed meat, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and even more so later in life.” Wang MengPhD, the study’s original co-author and postdoctoral fellow at Tufts University’s Friedman School of Nutritional Sciences and Policy and the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Institute.
“Metabolites produced by our gut microbes from nutrients [found] Red meat, blood sugar levels and general inflammation seem to account for much of this increased risk, rather than the effects of blood cholesterol and blood pressure,” she added. of red meat may play a more important role in health than saturated fat or cholesterol and needs further research.
“Fish, poultry, and eggs may be healthier sources of protein than red and processed meats,” Wang continues. “Targeting the interaction between red meat and the gut microbiota may lead to the development of new therapeutics that reduce cardiovascular risk.”
According to the American Heart Association, heart healthy diet Includes:
- fruits and vegetables
- Whole Grains and Whole Grain-Based Products
- Healthy proteins such as legumes, nuts, fish, seafood, low-fat or fat-free dairy, and lean, unprocessed meats and poultry
- liquid non-tropical vegetable oil
“I recommend most plant based dietsay Dr. Rigvid Tadwalkera cardiologist at St. John’s Health Center in Providence, California.
“Plant-based diets are low in saturated fat and high in fiber content, which lowers cholesterol,” he told Healthline. A plant-based diet may reduce risk and help treat a variety of conditions related to heart disease, including high blood pressure and diabetes.
For those not interested in switching to a plant-based diet, Tadwalkar suggests eating more plant-based foods and consuming less meat. He suggests cutting meat consumption in half and inserting plant-based foods instead.
“Eating up to two servings of meat, poultry, fish and eggs a week is reasonable and can provide health benefits and reduced cardiovascular risk,” says Tadwalkar.
Besides diet Lifestyle habit Essential for overall health, including heart health.
- Burn at least as many calories as you ingest.To balance, you may need to reduce your caloric intake or increase your exercise
- Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week
Sleep is also important.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- high blood pressure
- type 2 diabetes
- obesity
if you have can not sleepmaintaining a regular sleep schedule and going to bed and waking up at the same time each day may help.
Other ways to improve sleep include:
- Get plenty of natural light, especially early in the day
- Increase physical activity, but avoid exercise for several hours after bedtime
- try using blue light filter computer or phone if used near bedtime
- Avoid eating and drinking for several hours before bed
- sleep in a cool, dark, quiet room
stress It may also increase the risk of heart disease.
can increase stress inflammation, It leads to high blood pressure and sleep deprivation. It can also interfere with regular exercise and healthy eating choices.
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