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Small lung airways increase risk

Small lung airways increase risk


Medical professionals preparing to test the oxygen levels of an elderly womanShare on Pinterest
Researchers say women tend to have smaller airways in their lungs than men.Joe Smind/Getty Images
  • Approximately 16 million people in the United States are diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • More women than men are currently living with COPD in the United States, and more women than men die from the disease.
  • Researchers say women tend to have smaller airways in their lungs, which increases the risk of developing COPD as well as more serious illness.

Women may be at higher risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) due to smaller airways in their lungs.

research Published in a magazine today Radiology report that structural differences between men and women may explain the differences in COPD prevalence and outcome between men and women.

“There are differences in airway dimensions even after adjusting for height and lung size, and the significant impact of changes in airway size on clinical outcomes in women suggests that women have a lower reserve for developing airway disease and COPD.” It’s notable in that it looks like Dr. Surya P. BhattThe lead author of the study and associate professor of medicine in the Department of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham said in a press release:

Researchers have found that women’s lung airways are still smaller than men’s, even for those who have never smoked or smoked less than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime.

They looked at data on about 10,000 people. Some have never smoked, some are current smokers, and some are former smokers.

Among 420 never-smokers, men were found to have thicker airway walls than women. Airway dimensions were also smaller in females than in males.

Among the 9,363 former or current smokers in the study, men had thicker airway walls than men, and women had narrower airways.

The researchers said these differences lead to higher levels of shortness of breath, lower lung function, poorer breathing quality, and lower survival rates in women than in men.

Dr. Jimmy JohannesA pulmonologist and critical care specialist at Memorial Care Long Beach Medical Center in California, said the study helps explain some of the gender disparities in lung disease. increase.

“The logical potential difference here is that larger lungs can withstand more lung disease before developing symptoms and other complications associated with those lung diseases. ” he told Healthline.

COPD Name for a group of disorders that cause difficulty breathing and blockage of the airways.

largely 16 million While some people in the United States have been diagnosed with COPD, millions more may be living with it without being diagnosed.

COPD has traditionally been thought of as a male disease. but, 2000 onwards More women than men die from COPD in the United States. More women than men have her COPD, and while death rates from her COPD are declining in the United States for men, they are not for women.

Experts say smoking is likely to play a role.

“Women don’t seem to need to smoke to develop the same amount of disease as men.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out that women who smoke in the United States develop COPD at a younger age than men who smoke, even though they smoke less than men.

Dr. Rajkumar Dasgupta Pulmonologists at USC’s Keck Medicine say estrogen is a factor in this disparity.

“Speaking of estrogen, it really changes the metabolism of some of the chemicals in tobacco. It really makes our airways more susceptible to damage. and COPD patients produce more mucus,” he told Healthline.

According to CDC data, in 2018 chronic lower respiratory tract disease (primarily COPD) 4th leading cause of death among American women.

Women tend to be diagnosed with COPD later than men and may have more advanced disease. Treatment in advanced stages of the disease is less effective, and women and men respond differently to treatment.

COPD can cause both emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

These can manifest as a variety of symptoms including shortness of breath, difficulty taking deep breaths, frequent wheezing and coughing, excessive amounts of mucus, sputum, or sputum production.

“It’s incredibly debilitating and the quality of life can actually be worse than someone with stage 4 lung cancer. Dr. Brooks KuhnA pulmonologist at the University of California, Davis, told Healthline. “Unfortunately, [people with COPD] Don’t take a break from it. They’re always out of breath and that’s why they’re always uncomfortable. As you can imagine, rates of depression and anxiety are 3 to 5 times more common in the COPD population than he is. ”

“It’s incredibly difficult. Patients can’t go out, they can’t interact with their families, they can’t go out and be refreshed and human,” he added.

Experts say the study is a step in the right direction to develop new treatments for COPD that take into account lung differences between men and women. However, the development of such treatments may take a long time.

“The sad reality is that we don’t currently have enough tools to move the needle as far as needed to help these patients and their suffering,” Kuhn said.




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