Facts about tick-borne diseases
Powassan virus, an extremely rare tick-borne disease, has been circulating after a severe case was hospitalized in a 3-year-old boy in Pennsylvania.
Jamie, the mother of Johnny Simoson, noticed a tick on her back while swimming in a neighborhood pool and successfully removed it, she wrote. Facebook postWithout thinking, the family resumed normal activities, but two weeks later, Johnny’s daycare informed Jamie that he was “disgusted, had no appetite and complained of headaches.” . I have written on social media.
After two visits to the doctor, Johnny had a fever of 104, Jamie said. new york postHis white blood cell count rose to 30,000 and he had no response for almost five days. Doctors have not yet been able to determine the cause. “Things got really scary at that point,” Simoson said. “It was very frustrating to search for answers.
After several attempts at diagnosis, doctors eventually discovered that Johnny had meningoencephalitis. This is an infection of the brain and surrounding tissues. Johnny was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin and discharged after 12 days.
Three days after leaving the hospital, Johnny was tested for the Powassan virus. But not all cases end like Johnny’s. May, 90-year-old woman from Connecticut died of tick-borne virus.
In case you’re wondering how concerned we should be about the increase in diagnoses of this rare disease, we spoke to Jonathan Oliver, an assistant professor of public health at the University of Minnesota about the virus. There are some facts.
What you need to know about the Powassan virus
- Fewer than 200 cases were reported between 2011 and 2020, according to data collected by . CDC.
- Powassan virus is transmitted only through the bite of an infected tick in the United States, based on reported cases.
- Many people do not develop symptoms of Powassan virus, but occasionally symptoms can be severe for those who do. , headaches, neck pain, and vomiting,” says Oliver.
- Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure for Powassan virus. Treatment is usually directed at symptoms that occur as a result of infection. There is no vaccine to prevent disease. CDC.
- Cases usually occur in the upper Midwest, such as Minnesota and Wisconsin, and the Northeast, especially in the New England region, where Massachusetts is considered the northeastern epicenter of Powassan virus.
- Diseases like Powassan virus often affect older people more commonly. “This child is just one of the unfortunate few who have developed the disease, but it can affect anyone,” says Oliver.
“Prevention is always the best policy for tick-borne diseases.”
Thankfully, there are some precautions you can take. “Prevention is the best strategy for tick-borne diseases,” says Oliver. He says using insect repellents containing ingredients approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, such as deet oil and lemon eucalyptus oil, can help protect against ticks, he says.
Your clothing choice can also keep you safe. Wearing long pants and tucking them in socks is a good way to keep ticks out of your clothing and easy to remove, says Oliver. It says. If you’re in a “tick habitat,” it’s imperative that you do a daily tick check. This is because the sooner the tick is removed from the skin, the better.
If you know or suspect you have been bitten by a tick, it’s a good idea to see your doctor as the tick may be attached to your skin for a long time. Ticks carry other viruses, such as Lyme disease, which are much more common than Powassan virus.
“Everybody should be aware of and concerned about tick-borne diseases,” says Oliver. Because deer ticks often bite humans, they are more likely to contract various diseases. ”
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