A team of researchers from Yale University observed that the pig’s heart began to beat faintly hours after injecting the synthetic liquid into the dead pig’s body. Blood circulation was restored, restoring some cellular function in vital organs such as the heart and liver.
Scientists restore cellular activity in pig organs an hour after death
According to the Nature article, the Yale research team used the OrganEx system. The system consists of a device similar to a heart-lung machine used in surgery and an liquid mixture. Promotes cellular health and reduces inflammation — 1 hour after the pig’s pulse is gone.
Another group of dead pigs was put on ECMO, a life support that oxygenates the blood outside the body. By the end of the six-hour test, the scientist had discovered that his OrganEx technology was able to deliver “adequate levels of oxygen” to the whole body of the pig, allowing certain vital cellular functions in organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. recovered. .
“Under the microscope, it was difficult to tell the difference between a healthy organ and one that had been processed with OrganEx technology after death,” said neuroscientist Zvonimir Vrselja of the Yale School of Medicine, who participated in the study. increase. news release.
However, dead pigs connected to the ECMO machine were unable to oxygenate the blood supply. Their bodies remained rigid with rigor mortis, unlike those attached to the OrganEx.
Another remarkable result from this experiment, which surprised the Yale University team, was that dead pigs connected to the OrganEx system showed involuntary movements in the head and neck area. rice field. This indicates that some motor function is preserved, his Nenad Sestan, one of the study’s authors, said in a news release.
OrganEx Research Based on 2019 business from the Yale University School of Medicine, which restored some of the cellular function in pig brains four hours after the animals were decapitated.
“Studies like this suggest that death doesn’t happen at a specific time,” says Nathan Emmerich, a bioethicist at the Australian National University, who was unrelated to the Yale study. Told. Instead, death occurs over time as the processes that keep organisms alive gradually come to a halt, and new findings suggest that some of the damage caused by the loss of those functions can be repaired.
“The results of this research are unlikely to resuscitate anyone, but they may help save a limited number of people in certain circumstances,” Emmerich said.
A team of researchers from Yale University emphasized the importance of future research and input from bioethics experts. Emmerich foresees many challenges before technology such as OrganEx is used in humans. For example, it must demonstrate the ability to revive living organisms, not just cell function, he said, adding that laws governing organ transplantation also need to adapt to evolving definitions of death.
With the advent of modern life support technologies such as ventilators, healthcare professionals find themselves faced with tough decisions that sometimes conflict with the wishes of the patient’s family. This week, the UK High Court ruled against the parents of 12-year-old Archie Battersbee. Boy put on life support after suffering devastating brain injuryThe judge sided with Battersby’s doctors and argued that it was not in the boy’s best interest to continue life-sustaining treatment when he was brain dead.
Sources 2/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2022/08/04/yale-organex-dead-pigs-revived/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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