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Social isolation affects heart health, cognition

Social isolation affects heart health, cognition
Social isolation affects heart health, cognition


An elderly man is pulling the curtains and looking out the windowShare on Pinterest
Social isolation can affect both heart and brain health, experts say. Westend61/Getty Images
  • A new study reports that social isolation can increase a person’s risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Another new study concludes that loneliness can lead to cognitive decline.
  • Experts say older people can lower their risk by being socially active, eating healthy meals, and exercising regularly.
  • They also encourage families to stay involved with older relatives to prevent them from becoming socially isolated.

Older adults who are lonely, socially isolated, or not participating in activities are at increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and Alzheimer’s disease, according to two studies released this week.

first time studyPublished in the Journal of the American Heart Association, the data show that being socially disconnected may increase your risk of heart attack by 29% and your risk of stroke by 32%.

Researchers defined social isolation as infrequent direct contact and social relationships with various groups, including friends, co-workers, family members, and members of community groups such as religious groups.

Researchers report that people with three or fewer social contacts per month may have a 40% increased risk of having another heart attack or stroke.

They noted that the risk of social isolation increases with age due to widowhood, retirement, and the death of friends and family members. It is estimated that 33-47% of older adults are lonely.

But social isolation and loneliness are not just for older people. Generation Z, young people aged 18 to 22 are characterized as the loneliest generation.This may be due to their engaging in face-to-face activities and uses that are less meaningful Social media than other generations.

of COVID-29 Pandemic It also increased social isolation in several groups, including people aged 18 to 25, the elderly, women and low-income earners.

A new study found that:

  • Social isolation and loneliness are common but under-recognized contributors to cardiovascular and brain health.
  • Lack of social ties is associated with an increased risk of premature death from all causes, especially among men.
  • People experiencing social isolation and loneliness are more likely to experience chronic stress and depression.
  • Childhood social isolation is associated with obesity, hypertension, and elevated blood sugar levels.

Researchers report that people at high risk of social isolation and loneliness include those who:

  • People of Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ)
  • People with physical disabilities such as visual or hearing impairments
  • People living in rural areas or areas with limited resources
  • people with limited access to technology and internet
  • recent immigration
  • imprisoned person

Second studywas published in the online issue of neurologyThe medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology has examined why some people with amyloid plaques in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease show no signs of the disease.

In contrast, others with similar plaques have memory and cognitive problems.

Researchers hypothesized that genetic and biometric factors can create a cognitive reserve that helps protect the brain. Participating in education can affect the cognitive reserve of the brain. Continuing lifelong learning can also protect the brain from dementia.

“While cognitive decline cannot be cured, it may be preventable by engaging in activities that build new neural pathways and connections in the brain and help keep the mind sharp and functioning.” AS Dr. Sammy HusseinWilsonThe director of movement disorder neurology at Baptist Health’s Marcus Neuroscience Institute in Florida told Healthline. It’s a good choice, such as practicing a hobby that you have to do.”

A recent study involved 1,184 participants born in England in 1946. Each participant underwent her two cognitive tests. One she was 8 and the other she was 69.

Researchers found that higher cognitive performance in childhood, a higher cognitive reserve index, and better reading comprehension were all associated with higher scores on cognitive tests taken at age 69. did.

Other findings include:

  • College education contributed to higher scores. Individuals with a bachelor’s degree or higher scored 1.22 points more on average than those without formal education.
  • Leisure activities also increased cognitive scores. Those who engaged in six or more leisure activities, including adult education classes, clubs, volunteer work, social activities, and gardening, scored 1.53 points more on average than those who engaged in only four activities.
  • Those in professional or intermediate-level jobs scored 1.5 points more on average than those in partially-skilled or unskilled jobs.

In the editorial that accompanied the study, Michal Schneider-BehriProfessor of Psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine in Mount Sinai, New York, said: Provides activities and provides challenging cognitive activities for people, especially those working in lower-skilled occupations. ”

To keep your head challenged and slow the progression of cognitive decline, Husain-Wilson suggests:

  • Less red meat, more seeds, vegetables and fruits
  • exercise regularly
  • Engage in brain teasers such as reading, crossword puzzles, art, card games, and arts and crafts.
  • Develop mind-body connection with yoga, meditation, social activities and more
  • learn something new, such as learning an instrument or starting a new hobby

Helpful if older adults are actively finding ways to socially engage with others.

“Start small. A call, text, or note to reconnect with acquaintances and family.” Dr. Sandra Narayananvascular neurologist and neurointerventional surgeon at the Pacific Stroke and Neurovascular Center, Pacific Institute of Neuroscience, California.

“Stay away from social interaction and make a plan to increase engagement (if mutually desirable). Make a plan for follow-up,” Narayanan told Healthline. If you’ve ever turned down a job, don’t assume someone will reach out to include you.”

“Active involvement in community resources, such as senior centers, helps older people maintain their independence. Participating in church or faith activities and groups can provide mental and emotional support. We can provide it,” he added. Dr. Estefania Maurer Spakowskia physician in the AltaMed Health Services Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).

“Most older people have physical and cognitive limitations,” Spakowsky told Healthline. “By paying attention to these restrictions in family time and social settings, and including activities that older people can participate in, we can contribute to better health.”

Experts say that emotional health and physical health are interconnected and tend to be cyclical. Social isolation can lead to depression, and depression can contribute to social isolation.

“Depression is significantly higher in older populations due to social isolation, with adverse health effects. “Empowering and motivating older adults, providing them with the resources to participate in activities and socialize with their peers is essential.” It has a positive impact on the health of older people.”

There are specific things families can do to help older relatives interact with each other. Narayanan offers some suggestions:

  • Welcome and respect the lived and current experiences of older people
  • Recognize the barriers that limit your desire to participate. For example, being widowed or single, feeling socially isolated, or self-conscious about joining a youth group.
  • If you have limited mobility, do not have access to driving or transportation, or need to coordinate your outings with your medication schedule or medical appointments, work with your relatives.
  • Where possible, bring activities to older people to overcome obstacles and minimize absenteeism

“As time goes on and we become more interconnected, the desire to adventure with a diverse group may grow,” added Narayanan.




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