A Guide to Differentiating Monkeypox Fact from Fiction
with local, state and national officials state of emergency declaration With the monkeypox outbreak and vaccine scramble spurring long lines in many U.S. cities, the latest updates on the rare virus can seem overwhelming and, well, confusing. .
But experts say monkeypox is a known disease that rarely kills (unlike coronavirus) and already licensed vaccine and treatment.
That’s not to say there aren’t real concerns about outbreaks. vaccine shortagethe rapidly increasing number of infectious diseases, and the fact that we are one community— men having sex with men — remain the most risky.
Experts say the first step in dealing with this virus is education so people can better understand their risks, know how the disease spreads and how to prevent infection.
Only gay or bisexual men get monkeypox?
No. Although the epidemic primarily affects gay and bisexual men and some transgender and non-binary people, anyone can be infected regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Dr. Thomas Aragon, California Public Health Director, said: “Monkeypox can infect anyone and is spread through skin-to-skin contact and sharing of clothing, bedding and towels.”
Dr. Stuart Burstyn, Interim Director of Infectious Diseases at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, said it was “accidentally” that monkeypox first infected a man who had sex with a man. The virus continues to spread in that group, as infection can easily occur during sexual activity.
Of the more than 400 suspected monkeypox cases confirmed in Los Angeles County, 99% were identified as male, approximately 90% of whom were identified as LGBTQ. Department of Public HealthSimilar demographics by state and national health officials show the same trend, which is why gay and bisexual men, and some other queer people, remain the most at risk.
“The risk to the general public is low, but it’s possible that this virus will enter the general public — and I predict,” Burstyn said. there is. at least 5 children in America pregnant woman According to health officials, he was infected.
How does monkeypox spread?
Monkeypox is spread primarily through close skin-to-skin contact, but can also be transmitted through infected sheets, towels, or “respiratory secretions.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Intimate contact must involve direct and usually prolonged interaction with infected sores, rashes, or lesions, although such evidence is always evident, especially early in infection. is not limited to
“Someone could have an early ailment that looks like acne or something in the anus that you can’t see,” Burstin said.
Experts say there is no evidence that monkeypox can spread through shared airspace like the coronavirus.
“I think it’s really important that people realize that monkeypox is different from the novel coronavirus,” Aragon said. “[Monkeypox] They are very different when it comes to transmission. You have to have really close physical contact. ”
What are the typical symptoms?
Dr. Leo Moore, director of clinical services for the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, said monkeypox patients typically develop flu-like illness, including fever, fatigue, muscle aches and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms are followed by a rash.
“In many instances of the current outbreak, people have developed a rash with or without swollen lymph nodes, which can also occur in the genital area or anus,” Moore said. , a rash can be seen all over the body, including the face.
He said people typically develop symptoms one to two weeks after being exposed, but it can take up to 21 days for evidence of the virus to appear, and symptoms can last up to four weeks.
“Rashes don’t look exactly the same on everyone,” said Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Feller. She said it was important.
Symptoms are usually mild, but in some patients the lesions can be very painful, Moore said. At least 14 people hospitalized for illness.
Who can get vaccines and treatments?
The two-dose Jynneos vaccine series approved by the Food and Drug Administration for monkeypox can be used prophylactically and within 2 weeks of exposure.However, the dosage currently restrictedprompted health officials to set eligibility requirements so that those at highest risk of infection could get the first shot available.
in Los Angeles County, The authorities recently expanded the eligibility, But the focus is still only to them Gay and bisexual men and transgender people who meet certain criteria, such as those who have been directly exposed or who have had multiple recent sex partners.
As for treatment, health experts say most patients can recover on their own, but there is one antiviral drug that can be given to ease symptoms. However, many healthcare providers had difficulty accessing her Tpoxx. Tpoxx is only recommended for use in severe cases or in people with certain high-risk health factors. CDC officials say they are working to streamline the process so more people can access the drug.
As of this week, the California Department of Public Health said 1,144 courses of TPOXX were offered and ready for use in 71 locations across the state.
Does monkeypox spread asymptomatic?
“At this time, there does not appear to be any risk from asymptomatic spread,” said the chief medical officer of APLA Health, a Los Angeles group focused on providing healthcare to the LGBTQ community. Dr. Jay Gladstein said.
The outbreak continues to be studied, but Gladstein said transmission has so far been associated only with contact with virus-filled lesions.
However, people should know that the virus can spread until the lesion is completely healed and covered with a new skin layer. This may take several weeks.
Are massage therapists and tattoo artists dangerous?
Burstin says the risk for people working in skin-contact industries is still very low, but it’s important to monitor for rashes and bumps.
“It’s very safe,” says Burstin. “If no lesions are seen, the person is much more likely than not to be infected.”
Experts should wear gloves and increase cleaning procedures, he said, to be safer, but he did not recommend drastically changing operations.
“Skin lesions are visible and painful for those who have them, so I hope people are aware.” He said there had been no outbreaks between them.
Should I worry about gyms, bars, pools or public transport?
“What we don’t see is casual spreads. It has to be really close contact,” Gladstein said.
Moore said there are certain precautions people can take in crowded places, such as wearing long sleeves and long pants to limit skin-to-skin contact. They recommended wiping and washing your hands.
As for swimming pools, Burstin said he wasn’t worried, given how chlorine and anything in the water would dilute.
He said there are scenarios he considers more risky, such as being in a club hosting an event for gay men where many may go shirtless. Abusive interactions should not involve people. He said he doesn’t worry about brushing up on someone in a bar or on public transport.
“This type of contact disease usually doesn’t spread very quickly,” said Burstin.
Can condoms prevent the spread of infection?
Unfortunately, condoms are not a foolproof way to prevent monkeypox infection, but they can protect, experts say. Researchers noticed that many patients’ lesions were concentrated in the genitals or anus in this outbreak. Condoms can provide protection in this case, but many people report infectious lesions elsewhere on the body.
“Condoms don’t provide complete protection,” says Burstin. “That doesn’t mean people shouldn’t wear condoms. It might give them some protection.”
Monkeypox is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, but researchers are trying to determine whether it can be spread through semen or vaginal fluids. Research shows it’s possibleTherefore, experts also recommend using condoms for several weeks after recovering from the virus.
Does the smallpox vaccine provide protection?
Adults who may have received the smallpox vaccine can get some protection against monkeypox, but experts say it is very limited.
“As far as we know, there are no significant protections,” said Gladstein. “They may end up with a slightly milder case of monkeypox, but it certainly isn’t considered to be fully protective.”
As with all vaccines, protection weakened over time, and the smallpox vaccine campaign in the United States ended in the 1970s, so no one should rely on it, he said.
People who have been vaccinated against smallpox are eligible to receive ginneos.
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