A day care worker in Illinois tested positive for a child who may have been infected with monkeypox, who are at higher risk of serious consequences from the virus, state officials said Friday.
Children may have contracted monkeypox at day care in Illinois, officials say
Officials said no one else had tested positive. Health officials in Illinois determined that between 40 and 50 of her children, many of whom were children, may have been exposed directly to childcare workers or to items handled by them, officials said. person said.
“We are casting a wide net,” says Julie Pride, administrator Champaign-Urbana Public Health District, wrote in a text message on Friday night. Pryde said dozens of children have been offered the vaccine, pending parental approval.
official from new The White House Team of Monkeypox Coordinatorsthe FDA, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention learned of the daycare worker’s infection early Friday afternoon and worked to quickly provide vaccines to potentially exposed individuals. estimated that the paperwork necessary to enable them to be vaccinated was completed within an hour, pointing out that the sooner they are vaccinated after exposure, the more likely they are to prevent infection. increase.
Local officials have also credited the federal government’s response, which has come under scrutiny in recent weeks by complaining doctors and patients. unnecessary bureaucracy When trying to access treatments, tests and vaccines. Sameer Vohra, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said on Friday that federal regulators, with parental approval, could quickly provide vaccines to exposed children “without jumping the usual hoops in the process.” I applauded you for allowing me to inoculate.
The virus is spread through close contact with an infected person and is not airborne. State officials said day care workers are also employed in home care settings and are in contact with affected clients.
Federal authorities have confirmed that 7,500 cases of monkeypox in the United States, overwhelmingly among gay and bisexual men. At least five of her children have confirmed cases of monkeypox, domestic infectionaccording to federal officials.
Cases of Illinois day care workers are on the rise Among public health officials, if the outbreak is not contained, especially as students return to schools and college campuses this fall, it could spread more widely and affect people vulnerable to serious consequences, including children. I am concerned that
Monkeypox disease usually clears up after a few weeks. No deaths are known in the United States. However, for children and those with weakened immune systems, the disease can cause serious medical complications, and past epidemics have had a high mortality rate among young children. According to the World Health Organization.
Public health officials are trying to convey a sensitive message. sexually active gay men The risk of contracting monkeypox is highest. currently spreading Through close, often skin-to-skin contact, primarily between men who have sex with men. But officials warn that the virus doesn’t always stick to one demographic and can infect anyone.
“If you get it anywhere, you can get it anywhere,” said UCLA, who praised officials’ efforts to study the monkeypox outbreak and make a vaccine quickly available to those infected in Illinois. epidemiologist Anne Limoyne said. “The more cases there are, the more opportunities there are for spread, and the more likely these scenarios exist.”
Monkeypox infection can lie dormant for weeks, but Limoyne also stressed that people exposed to day care workers in Illinois don’t always test positive. You don’t always get monkeypox. coronavirus,” she said.
In the current epidemic, monkeypox is mainly Close contact during sex Among gay and bisexual men, the infection can be spread in other ways that usually involve prolonged contact, such as hugging, kissing and dancing naked, global health officials have warned. Potential sources of spread to children include prolonged cuddling, cuddling, and feeding, as well as shared items such as towels, bedding, cups, and utensils.
Last week, the CDC health consultation To clinicians to be alert to symptoms of the virus among other vulnerable populations, including children and adolescents. To prevent the spread of the virus between children and caregivers or family members, authorities recommend avoiding contact between infected people and their clothing, towels and bedding.
Illinois Governor JB Pritzker (Democrat) Declared Monkeypox is a public health emergency Monday, and said the move would improve coordination among state agencies and expedite Illinois’ response to the virus.Then Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said on Thursday Declared Biden administration officials say the move will free up new funding and powers that could help contain the virus and end the outbreak in the United States.
In the Illinois case, a day care worker who contracted monkeypox has been isolated and is in good condition, officials said. of mobile tests and financial support have been provided, officials said.
“Anyone with even the slightest suspicion will be quarantined until we have some results,” Pryde said.
Sources 2/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/08/05/monkeypox-illinois-daycare-center/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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