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Mpls.Flight attendant with monkeypox symptoms says she struggled to get tested

Mpls.Flight attendant with monkeypox symptoms says she struggled to get tested


Joan Sullivan has cold symptoms and a pimple-like rash all over her body, and it is not yet known if it is due to monkeypox.

A 29-year-old Minneapolis flight attendant struggled for five days to seek testing from two designated clinics in the Minnesota Department of Health and the Twin Cities. Clinics are urging testing of men who have sex with other men, but this risk group comprises nearly all of the state’s 55 known infections.

“I care and want to do the right thing, but it was my fourth call and there were no results, no scheduled tests, etc.” It would have ended.”

Monkeypox is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, but 94% of first cases in US public health emergency Young men who had recently had sexual or close intimate contact were included. The virus is spread primarily through physical contact with bodily fluids of an infected person or contaminated sheets, towels, and other surfaces.

Although severe cases are rare, Minnesota is increasing access to testing and vaccines to slow the virus before it spreads and reaches vulnerable populations, such as the elderly.

Minneapolis’ Red Door Clinic and St. Paul’s Clinic 555 were touted last week as test sites to provide easy and friendly access to a major risk group of men who have sex with other men. However, any clinician can swab a suspected patient’s rash and send the sample to a state public health lab or a commercial lab such as the Mayo Clinic for results.

State of the middle of July Informed physician No permit is required to collect and submit samples for testing. States have adequate laboratory capacity to process tests, but clinics have limited availability and are unable to triage high-risk patients with suspected rashes than low-risk patients. Yes, Department of Health spokesman Doug Schultz said in a statement.

“Like we said anyone can get monkeypox, anyone can be tested for monkeypox if they meet clinical guidelines,” the statement said, adding that among the Minnesota cases Two cases were reported to be female.

of collection process It’s a little more complicated and requires sterile synthetic swabs instead of cotton. “Poor sampling techniques have led to inconclusive results for multiple samples collected over the past few weeks,” the state said in a warning to doctors.

After being unable to schedule a test with anyone at Red Door or Clinic 555 since Thursday, Sullivan went to a primary care clinic on Monday. A health care provider swabbed the lesion and sent the specimen to a state lab, where results were expected almost a week after she first asked for testing. She received a call from Red Door Clinic later that day.

Until this year, the monkeypox virus was thought to be endemic in parts of Africa, spreading from animals to people rather than most people to people. It causes typical cold symptoms, but it also causes a painful, itchy, acne-like rash, and when it occurs near the eyes, it can lead to other complications such as blindness.

Unlike the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, the monkeypox virus is unlikely to spread through airborne infections or respiratory droplets.

Minnesota expects 7,600 courses of monkeypox vaccine by the end of the summer, which includes people who are at high risk of exposure because of their work or sexual activity, or those who may be infected. Reserved for contact persons.

Sullivan suspects she contracted the virus while working on a recent flight to England or California, or during a long layover. I’m here.

“People in the bubble seem to be stuck in their own homes until they find out who’s sick,” said Sullivan, who also tested negative for the coronavirus.

A week after her illness, Sullivan complained of “the worst acne flare-up I’ve had in years.” A sexual partner who works as an EMT suggested it could be monkeypox Orphaned Sullivan has entertained himself and others. TikTok videosone of the mittens, and other strategies to stop scratching rashes.

Sullivan said he hopes the state will clarify testing procedures for doctors and clinics across Minnesota will collect samples sooner to get ahead of the outbreak.

Red Door has been busy since being advertised as a monkeypox testing facility, but there are no restrictions on testing potentially infected people, said a spokesperson for Hennepin County Public Health, which runs the clinic. Alison Slash said. “We may not be able to reach some people right away, but everyone we call will get a call back.”




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