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Delirium is a common symptom in the elderly


CoronavirusThe expert said. Data-reactid = “41”> Delirium is a common symptom in hospitalized elderly patients CoronavirusThe expert said.

It is defined as a sudden messYou may not be able to think clearly about an individual, know where you are, or be unable to pay attention. In severe cases, patients may even have hallucinations. “data-reactid =” 42 “>It is defined as a sudden messYou may not be able to think clearly about an individual, know where you are, or pay attention. In severe cases, the patient may even have hallucinations.

Scientists at St Vincent University Hospital in Dublin called delirium “The missing part of the COVID-19 pandemic puzzle”. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by coronavirus. “data-reactid =” 43 “>Scientists at St Vincent University Hospital in Dublin called delirium “The missing part of the COVID-19 pandemic puzzle”. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by coronavirus.

Early studies suggest that 20% to 30% of all patients with coronavirus develop delirium or changes in mental status during hospitalization, especially in severe cases, rising from 60% to 70%.

Older people are already at risk for both delirium and coronavirus complications.

An older woman wearing a face mask can be seen on July 1, 2020 in Warsaw, Poland.  Poland has not yet succeeded in reducing the daily number of new COVID-19 cases, with about 35 thousand known cases as of June 29, 2020.  (Photo: Jaap Arriens / NurPhoto via Getty Images)

A woman is wearing a mask in Warsaw. (Getty Images)

Delirium is “very common” in older patients

Dr. Jugdeep Dhesi, NHS Foundation Trust at Guy and St. Thomas, said at a Royal Medical Society (RSM) briefing on how the coronavirus affected older people. Often unrecognized. “

Perhaps surprisingly, older patients will always develop overt symptoms of coronavirus, such as fever.

“Atypical is the only symptom in about one-third of older patients,” said Adam Gordon of the University of Nottingham on the RSM phone.

“[Abnormal signs of infection include] anorexia [which is] Probably the symptoms of delirium [due to a reduced desire or ability to eat] And confusion.

“[Elderly people do not always develop] Typical things like coughing, loss of taste and smell.”

Scientists at Imperial College London have 394 inhabitants and 70 staff. Four nursing homes affected by the coronavirus in central London. “data-reactid = “72 “>Scientists at Imperial College London have 394 inhabitants and 70 staff. Four nursing homes affected by the coronavirus in central London.

Two in five (40%) of the residents had a positive reaction, and less than one in five (18%) had only atypical symptoms.

Anorexia nervosa and “confused or altered behavior” were statistically significant symptoms among residents.

Delirium “Screening is standard treatment”

The Royal Psychiatric Association recognizes delirium as a potential coronavirus symptom “There are certain challenges that can arise in a COVID crisis situation.” data-reactid= “80”>The Royal Psychiatric Association recognizes delirium as a potential coronavirus symptom It may present certain challenges in the context of the COVID crisis.

Infections are a common cause of delirium, as are changes in the environment and low blood oxygen levels.

“It can occur in any patient, at any age, and is quite common after surgery,” Gordon told Yahoo UK. “But the incidence increases with age.”

Coronaviruses are usually mild, but can cause pneumonia if the infection spreads to the air sacs of the lungs.

These then become inflamed and have difficulty in breathing air. As a result, the oxygen concentration in the blood decreases and carbon dioxide accumulates.

A study in Wuhan, China, where coronavirus outbreaks were observed, showed neurological symptoms in more than one-third (36.4%) of 214 coronavirus patients, Severely infected people have risen to less than half (45.5%). Delirium was one of these symptoms. “data-reactid = “85 “>A study in Wuhan, China, where coronavirus outbreaks were found, showed neurological symptoms in more than one-third (36.4%) of 214 coronavirus patients, Those with severe infections have risen to less than half (45.5%). Delirium was one of these symptoms.

A study in Strasbourg, France, found that 26 out of 40 (65%) patients on intensive care were confused with coronavirus.

Further analysis of 45 patients at discharge revealed 15 (33%) “Carelessness, disorientation, or poor organization in response to commands.” “data-reactid = “87 “>Further analysis of 45 patients at discharge revealed 15 (33%) “Carelessness, disorientation, or poorly organized movements on command.”

Further research shows that 40 of 58 (69%) patients on intensive care are excited while 17 of 82 deaths (21%) show “changes in consciousness”

Research Review Published in Famous Lancet Psychiatry Concludes: “[The coronavirus] A large percentage of patients in the acute phase can cause delirium. “” data-reactid = “89 “>A study review published in the prominent The Lancet Psychiatry concludes: “[The coronavirus] A large percentage of patients in the acute phase can cause delirium. “

The NHS, World Health Organization, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not specifically list delirium as a potential coronavirus symptom.

Because older people do not always show signs of infection, scientists at St. Vincent are worried that not including delirium in the screening criteria could leave older patients out of the crack.

“Delirium is a key missing element in the assessment and management of older people for COVID-19,” they wrote in Journal Age and Aging.

“The guidelines should be included as a function of presenting delirium, screening should be standard care, and nonpharmacologic approaches to the prevention and management of delirium should be implemented as soon as possible and as often as possible. There is.”

Drugs can themselves cause delirium, but they are generally recommended when a person’s agitation puts them in distress or poses a threat to themselves and others.

Delirium can often be prevented and treated by hydration, explaining the situation to the patient, helping sleep and relieving pain.

The toolkit, compiled by the Hospital Elder Life Program in Boston, encourages patient loved ones to make video callsEverything can be helped by giving a stress ball or providing a warm milk mug before bed. Data-reactid = “102”>The toolkit, compiled by the Hospital Elder Life Program in Boston, encourages patient loved ones to make video callsGive them a stress ball, or even provide a warm milk mug before bed, everything can help.

Although often preventable, Dr. Dhesi warned that delirium is a “good predictor of adverse consequences.”

Talk to ABC NewsDr. Loren Zonoris of George Washington University, said: “Delirium is an emergency medical treatment associated with increased morbidity and mortality.” “data-reactid =” 104 “>Talk to ABC NewsDr. Loren Zonoris of George Washington University, said: “Delirium is an emergency medical treatment associated with increased morbidity and mortality.”

British Geriatric Society emphasized “Delirium is not restricted to the elderly and can be more common in patients with severe infections.” data-reactid = “105”>Despite being often associated with the elderly , British Geriatric Society emphasized “Delirium is not unique to the elderly and can be seen in any patient with a severe infection.”

Kassel, Hesse, June 26, 2020: Resident Jenny Nell talks to visitors via baby monitors and Plexiglas panels in the entrance area of ​​the AWO Center for the Elderly

Nursing home residents talk to visitors via a baby monitor in Hesse, Germany. (Getty Images)

How Does Coronavirus Cause Delirium?

Early in the outbreak, scientists suspected the coronavirus was affecting the brain.

Told Harvard Gazette.. “data-reactid = “128 “> “The loss of odor is probably due to direct invasion of the olfactory nerve, which is directly linked to the frontal lobe,” Dr. Geriatrician Sharon Inouye Told Harvard Gazette..

A Strasbourg study found that MRI scans of some patients revealed “light up of the meningeal cavity.” This may be “another sign of virus entry into the brain,” he added.

It has been suggested that infection damages the blood-brain barrier, leading to immune-driven attacks on the central nervous system.

Inflammation caused by the immune response to the virus can also cause neurological symptoms.

This may be due to the rapid release of immune-fighting proteins known as the cytokine storm.

Coronavirus: What Happened Today

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