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Brain Drain: Scientists investigate why mental fatigue causes fatigue.neuroscience

Brain Drain: Scientists investigate why mental fatigue causes fatigue.neuroscience


Friday night is a familiar feeling. After a grueling day at work, you finally agree with your friends on a night out.

But by the time you figure out what to wear and where you put your keys, nights on the couch start to sound more glamorous than nights on the tiles.

Now scientists believe they Before you get to the bus stop, you might be able to explain why you’re so tired.Your brain has slowed down in managing tension.

The brain can suffer from something similar to pain Accumulation of lactic acid in muscles exercising. This may be why resisting the stubborn mental yard, and the temptation to give up all day, feels just as taxing.

Prolonged mental activity accumulates potentially toxic neurotransmitters in the prefrontal cortex, studies show Published in Current BiologyResearchers suggest slowing brain activity to manage buildup, which explains why we feel tired.

“For example, the brain exercised cognitive control even when resisting scratching,” says Antonius Wieler of the Paris Brain Institute, the first author of the study. He said repeated demands on cognitive control functions can lead to fatigue.

The prefrontal cortex is the area of ​​decision-making and cognitive control that the brain applies to overriding impulses and fighting temptations of all kinds.

The team monitored brain chemistry while 40 participants completed repetitive tasks on a computer. They made him two groups and did a difficult task or an easy task he did for over 6 hours.

Researchers measured neurotransmitter levels in the prefrontal cortex. They found that participants given more difficult tasks had higher glutamate build-up.

In tasks that involve a lot of thinking, the brain has to repeatedly resist the temptation to do something less demanding. Naturally, this can make people feel tired, but the brain chemistry behind it remains unknown.

Researchers now suggest that cognitive control may lead to accumulation of glutamate in the brain, whose high levels could be harmful. This is because the nerve cells are overexcited.

“We found that glutamate builds up in areas of the brain that control the task we set participants on,” Wiehler said. “Our understanding is that the brain may have some sort of clearance mechanism that counteracts this, slowing activity.”

Researchers believe that mental fatigue may be related to the recycling of glutamate, which accumulates during neural activity. It is highly likely that the

When participants were asked to report their level of fatigue, no definitive association was found between glutamate and fatigue. The groups that performed the difficult task and the easy task recorded the same fatigue. unaware of the difficulty of the task.

“The fact that glutamate levels do not track reported fatigue is a bit disappointing, but it is not surprising as there is often a disconnect between biological characteristics and self-reported fatigue.” Man.

Although the researchers only monitored glutamate, it suggests that other related substances may be involved in fatigue. We’re measuring neurotransmitters, so we need to look more globally,” said Kuppuswamy.

But the results were encouraging, she added. “We know that lactic acid builds up in muscles during exercise, leading to muscle fatigue. is intuitive, and this is the first good evidence to suggest it.”




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