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Monkeypox only spreads to surfaces in certain cases — here’s what you need to know

Monkeypox only spreads to surfaces in certain cases — here’s what you need to know


Monkeypox can live in the air, but only for a short time

The monkeypox virus can also be spread to others through droplets exhaled by a person infected with monkeypox. For the virus to spread like this, this contact must be very intimate and sustained.

This means, yes, monkeypox can live in the air, but not in the way you might imagine. It’s one of the areas where we’re growing,” says Dr. Ching Hong.

Unlike COVID, the monkeypox virus is not thought to be persistent in the air. This means that when a COVID-infected person exhales respiratory droplets, those droplets can remain airborne for a while, exposing anyone who steps into the space to the coronavirus. The monkeypox virus doesn’t work the same way, says Dr. Qinghong. “COVID is by definition a respiratory virus,” he points out. “It’s not monkeypox.”

“It won’t be the same way we think of ‘droplets’ and ‘airborne’ and COVID in general,” he says. You cannot become infected with monkeypox just by casual conversation or passing by a monkeypox patient at a store.

So, without very close conversations and kisses, can you theoretically catch monkeypox “in the air”? This is a place where the chances of contagion will definitely increase.

Dr. Chin-Hong cites the example of a monkeypox patient lying in bed with a monkeypox rash crusting on the sheets. If another person came in the next morning, changed those sheets, and waved them in the air, they would say, “These little scabs are filled with virus. Breathing it in can give you monkeypox.”

Some people have contracted monkeypox in their own homes, says Dr. Ching Hong. For this reason, tSan Francisco Public Health clearly warns against shaking off bedding and towels Used by monkeypox patients.

Digitally colored electron microscopy (EM) image of a monkeypox virion (virus particle). (Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)

If you share a home with someone who has monkeypox, worrying about the virus on shared surfaces is justified, but there are steps you can take.

If you share a home with someone who has active monkeypox, or if you yourself have monkeypox and want to keep the people you live with safe, monkeypox can spread inside your home. Being aware of how it spreads and taking appropriate measures is the best way to stop the spread of the virus.

If someone in your household gets monkeypox…

Do not share bedding, clothes, towels, etc. Also, utensils and tableware should not be shared.

As with COVID, people quarantined with monkeypox should ideally stay away from other family members and use only their own bathroom. However, depending on your home setup, this may not be possible.

Be extra careful around laundry, especially bedding

As Dr. Qinghong noted above, bedding and laundry can pose certain risks because of the way human lesions from active monkeypox virus rub against those materials. In practice, monkeypox patients must do their own laundry and change their bedding. Do not shake off the sheets or laundry in case the scabs are thrown into the air and inhaled.

If you need to wash or change bedding for a monkeypox patient, consider wearing a mask and eye protection to avoid this type of contamination, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

If you have monkeypox and cannot avoid being in the same room with other people, WHO recommends covering the rash or lesions with clothing or bandages. This way, the virus is much less likely to spill onto common household items and surfaces.

A person wearing personal protective equipment wipes the table indoors.
Health experts say bedding and laundry may pose a particular risk of monkeypox infection in situations involving an active monkeypox infected person. If you need to wash or change bedding for a monkeypox patient, consider wearing a mask and eye protection to avoid this type of contamination, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. (Matilda Wormwood/KQED)

Anyone who thinks they have been exposed to monkeypox at home or through a network should seek a vaccine.

CDC recommends that the monkeypox vaccine be given within 4 days. The date they were exposed to monkeypox to maximize their chances of preventing the onset of disease.

Vaccines may reduce symptoms of monkeypox if given between 4 and 14 days after exposure, but they do not completely prevent the disease. Find out how to find monkeypox vaccine near you.

Follow cleaning procedures to reduce risk of spread

Yes, monkeypox can live on shared surfaces and can spread through them as a result of repeated contact. “The monkeypox virus is a DNA-based virus, kind of like a wimpy virus. In that you can actually kill it with things like household disinfectants and UV light.

CDC recommends regular cleaning and disinfection of home spaces To prevent the spread of monkeypox. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the following list: Approved cleaning agents and disinfectants for monkeypoxcontains common items you may already own, such as Lysol and Clorox. If you don’t have these products at home yet and you’re isolating monkeypox, consider home delivery options or ask friends and family to deliver cleaning products to your home.

Even if I’m quarantined with monkeypox at home alonethe CDC still recommends cleaning and sanitizing spaces regularly, if possible, to limit domestic contamination for those who enter the home later.

read the CDC A complete guide to cleaning and disinfecting your home during a monkeypox infection.

Healthcare workers sit at the check-in table at the pop-up monkeypox vaccination clinic opened by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health on August 3, 2022 at the West Hollywood Library in West Hollywood, California. California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on August 1st due to the continuing global monkeypox outbreak. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Monkeypox sounds scary, but don’t let fear of contagion distract you from COVID

Monkeypox can look scary. Especially if you are part of a community that has been particularly affected by the spread of the virus.

But despite these natural fears, Dr. Qinghong said, “At the moment, it’s much more likely that you’ll catch something like COVID than monkeypox. I know it’s really scary for people. Monkeypox is not as contagious as COVID-19.

Don’t be ashamed to worry about how the monkeypox virus spreads. It’s an understandable fear — especially since we’ve been here before with COVID.

Two years ago, early public health messages about COVID-19 emphasized thorough handwashing and hygiene, “How to safely shop for groceries during the coronavirus pandemic” Got a huge view. Good hygiene practices remain important when it comes to coronavirus, but more recent and complete data show that respiratory infections among people pose a much greater risk.

Nevertheless, it’s hard to hear fears about monkeypox and vectors without going back to the first volatile months of the COVID pandemic. The threat of monkeypox.

What other questions do you have about monkeypox?

If you have any other questions about monkeypox, please let us know.this post or A guide to monkeypox symptoms or at Guide on how to find monkeypox vaccine near me, you can use the box below to submit your question. What you send us makes our reporting on monkeypox stronger and helps us decide what to cover on our site and on KQED Public Radio.

Please note that we cannot respond directly to everyone who asks a question, nor can we provide individualized medical advice. If you are concerned about monkeypox or any other health problem, we recommend contacting your health care provider or your local clinic if you do not have insurance. (See a list of community clinics in your county.)




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