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UK monkeypox vaccination update

UK monkeypox vaccination update


The latest statistics confirm that more than 25,000 people have received the smallpox vaccine as part of a strategy to contain the monkeypox outbreak in the UK. These thousands of vaccines administered by the NHS to those most at risk of exposure should have a significant impact on transmission of the virus.

Anyone can get monkeypox, but cases in the UK are mostly gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM), and because the virus is transmitted in a closely related sexual network, the smallpox vaccine has been prioritized for men at increased risk of contracting the virus, contacts of cases, and some health care professionals.

As of 10th August, approximately 27,000 people in the UK have been vaccinated through the NHS and sexual health services, including 25,325. GBMSMThe remainder are those who received the vaccine as part of the HCP program and contacts of the case.

UK Health Security Agency (uksa) has procured 150,000 doses for the UK from a global manufacturer of smallpox vaccines, securing the highest dose in the world to manage the current outbreak. An initial dose of approximately 50,000 doses (the largest available immediately) is being rolled out at an accelerated pace to provide as much protection as possible to as many people as possible.

There is a global problem of supply due to vaccine availability and the time required to produce more vaccine. This means that an additional batch of 100,000 doses will be made to order and will be received in late September. uksa We work with the manufacturer to ensure delivery as quickly as possible.

Of the slightly over 50,000 doses that arrived, approximately 40,000 were provided to the NHS in England and distributed as part of a pre-exposure programme. GBMSM, for case contacts and some healthcare workers. About 6,000 are assigned to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Crown Dependencies.

by the end of next week uksa All remaining stock currently in the country (approximately 5,000 doses as of 11 August) will be allocated to the NHS. At the current rapid delivery rates on NHS services, the majority of these doses will be delivered to those identified as high risk by the end of the month.

Until additional vaccines are delivered in September, the NHS and local partners will continue to vaccinate against remaining supplies and how and where people who have not yet contacted the service can access vaccinations. Make sure that you know

Sexual Health Services will keep a record of those who qualify so that they can be invited for vaccinations as new supplies become available.

uksa In collaboration with partners including Terrence Higgins Trust and a wide range of other partners, GBMSM Communities know the signs and symptoms of monkeypox, how to seek help if they are concerned, and how to access vaccinations.

If you think you are eligible to be vaccinated, please wait to be invited by the NHS.

The latest number of cases, with 3,017 cases across the UK, indicates that the outbreak is beginning to slow down. The latest data show an average of 29 confirmed cases per day (7 days for him since August 1), compared to 52 for him in the last week of June. While this is a positive sign, it is too early to tell whether this slowdown will persist and calls for continued vigilance.

Dr. Jenny Harries, Chief Executive Officer uksaSaid:

The most important way to protect people at high risk of contracting monkeypox and limit the outbreak is to ensure that all vaccines available to us are in people’s arms as soon as possible and that protection is built across communities. It is to confirm that there is

I would like to thank all those who have been quarantined as part of this outbreak to limit the spread of the virus, the thousands who have stepped up to be vaccinated, and all those in the NHS and sexual health services. . Delivery of available vaccines – This should strengthen our response to the current outbreak and break the chain of transmission.

Jim McManus, president of the Association of Public Health Commissioners, said:

Public Health officials are doing our part to get vaccines to those in need, and will continue to do so as long as we have them in stock. we also uksa And as more doses arrive, we are helping our various partners across the country to ensure they are delivered as quickly, fairly and efficiently as possible.

In the meantime, gay and bisexual men will continue to have access to sexual health services that not only offer their usual services, but are working very hard to respond to the current monkeypox outbreak. is very important.

Dr Claire Dewsnap, British Sexual Health and HIV Society (bash) the President said:

It’s great that thousands of vaccines have been delivered. We thank the services who are stepping up to get vaccinated for people in at-risk communities and are making great efforts to spread the vaccine. We have been informed that vaccine deliveries will not be available until late September. bash We are concerned about the time it will take to receive more vaccines and will continue to work hard with national agencies to ensure that the next round of deliveries goes as smoothly as possible.

Watch out for monkeypox symptoms while waiting for the vaccine or if you have just been vaccinated. Especially if you have a new partner or multiple sexual partners. It can take up to 3 weeks for him to develop symptoms. If you feel unwell, contact your sexual health service.

If you are a contact of the case, take a break from sex or intimate contact, whether notified by your health protection team or directly by your former partner.

No vaccine is 100% effective. Vaccines do not always prevent an individual from contracting monkeypox, but symptoms experienced may be milder. Allows you to react more quickly.

Vaccines also take time to work. Protection should begin to build after a few days and reach peak levels after about 4 weeks.

Common signs and symptoms of monkeypox infection include fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and new rashes. This can be a single blister-like spot (or a few) on the genitals, anus and surrounding area, lesions in the mouth, and symptoms of proctitis (anal or rectal pain or bleeding).

in July, uksa Guidance for close contacts of confirmed monkeypox patients Updated. Based on growing evidence about how monkeypox virus is transmitted in this outbreak, most close contacts no longer need to be quarantined for 21 days unless they develop symptoms.




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