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First possible case of human-to-dog monkeypox transmission ‘not surprising’, says WHO

First possible case of human-to-dog monkeypox transmission ‘not surprising’, says WHO



The first possible case of human-to-dog transmission of monkeypox – recently reported in Paris in two men and their pets – has so far been a theoretical risk, according to the World Health Organization. Dr. Rosamund Lewis, chief of technology for monkeypox response, said. organization.

A man who lived together and had a non-exclusive relationship was diagnosed with monkeypox in a Paris hospital in early June. The Italian Greyhound also started showing symptoms. lancet.

The dog developed lesions and tested positive for the same strain of monkeypox as one of its owners.

The man reportedly co-slept with his dog and said he was careful to keep his pet away from other animals and humans even before his dog’s symptoms began and after his symptoms began.

“To the best of our knowledge, the kinetics of symptom onset in patients and subsequent dogs suggest human-to-dog transmission of monkeypox virus,” the authors of the report wrote. Given the mucosal lesions, and positive monkeypox virus PCR results from anal and oral swabs, we suspect that true canine viral carriage, rather than simple viral carriage by close human contact and/or airborne transmission, is suspected. Suppose you are sick.”

The authors suggested that a debate should be prompted about whether pets should be isolated from their owners if they have monkeypox, and called for further research.

Lewis said that previously only animal-to-human transmission of the virus had been reported, referring to an outbreak of monkeypox in the United States where people contracted the virus via pet prairie dogs.

“This is the first incident we know of where there is human-to-animal transmission,” Lewis said. Said During the Washington Post live event on Monday. “This has not been previously reported and no dogs have been previously reported to be infected.

“On many levels, this is new information,” she said. “This is not surprising information, it’s something we’ve been paying attention to.”

She said experts within WHO are working with partners such as the World Animal Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization to address the issue.

“The message that has been given up so far is that we need to isolate pets from potentially infected family members,” she said. We have no information that this has ever happened, and it has never been reported before, but it was a reasonable and cautious message.

Lewis said it’s not clear whether infected dogs can transmit the virus to humans. Sometimes you have to figure out the most useful messages that help you understand your level.

“This is an example of where most pets are not at risk. It may just be pets in the homes of people who are actually infected,” she said.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently updated its page animal monkeypox To acknowledge that dogs can get the virus.

“We don’t yet know what kinds of animals can get monkeypox,” the agency said. “We don’t know if reptiles, amphibians or birds can get monkeypox, but it’s unlikely because these animals haven’t been found to be infected with other orthopoxviruses.”

of CDC It also notes that infected animals can spread the virus to humans, stating that “infected people can be petted, cuddled, hugged, kissed, licked, shared sleeping areas, shared food. “It is possible to spread the monkeypox virus to animals through close contact, such as ”

The agency advises people with monkeypox to avoid contact with animals, including pets.

Pets that have been in close contact with someone with monkeypox symptoms should stay home and away from other animals and people for 21 days after the last contact, according to the CDC. Stay away. If possible, other people in the home should be cared for.

If an infected person has not been in close contact with a pet after symptoms begin, CDC recommends asking someone else to look after the animal until the virus has fully recovered. doing.




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