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Standing desks ‘can save an hour a day sitting down’ for office workers

Standing desks ‘can save an hour a day sitting down’ for office workers


A new study suggests that standing desks could help office workers spend at least an hour less sitting per day.

Researchers have found that standing desks, among other measures, may help reduce sedentary behavior in some workers.

Previous studies have shown that office workers spend approximately 73% of their working hours and 66% of their waking hours sitting.

As a result, some companies have chosen to purchase height-adjustable desks for their staff.

Sit-stand desks are becoming more popular, allowing desk-bound employees to sit and stand while on the job.

To assess the impact of such desks, along with workplace interventions to encourage more movement, academics decided to conduct a study on municipal workers. Leicester, Greater Manchester and Liverpool.

researchers led by experts in University of Leicesterexamined 756 participants with a mean age of 45 years.

Prior to being recruited for research, Council personnel were sedentary for most of the day.

They were divided into three groups. One group continued to act as normal, another group was given a height-adjustable desk and he entered a program called SWAL (Smart Work and Life), and the other group went through the program without a new desk. I participated in.

High sedentary time is associated with several health-related outcomes and premature mortality, and high sedentary time at work is associated with decreased energy and job performance and higher presenteeism.

Research author

The program encourages participants to consider strategies for reducing sedentary time, eliminates sedentary behavior both during work and non-work days, and provides access to information and apps. increase.

We also provide workplace support through training and support from Workplace Champions, as well as changes to the office environment to reduce sitting time, such as “standing meetings” and moving bins and printers to encourage more movement. increase.

Workers’ sitting time was measured using an accelerometer device that tracks their movements.

It was worn on the thigh for eight days at the beginning of the study and again after one year.

A study published in The BMJ found that participants in the SWAL program spent less time sitting, with or without a desk.

Participants who participated in the program spent an average of 22 minutes less sitting per day than those who did not change their behavior.

When given height-adjustable desks and access to other office-based interventions, people reduced their average daily sitting time by 64 minutes.

The researchers said they also saw improvements in stress and well-being among the behavior-altering group.

However, no improvement in sedentary behavior outside of working hours was observed.

The author writes:

“High levels of sitting time are associated with several health-related outcomes and premature mortality, and high levels of sitting time at work are associated with decreased energy and job performance, and high levels of It is related to the presenteeism of

“The Smart Work and Life (SWAL) intervention (with or without height-adjustable desks) was effective in reducing daily sitting time.

“The SWAL plus desk intervention was three times more effective in reducing sitting time than the SWAL intervention.”

In the linked article, Cindy Gray’s Professor of Health and Behavior University of Glasgowsaid the study suggested that “the provision of height-adjustable desks may be important for providing clinically relevant health benefits.”

But she emphasized that many of the participants were standing instead of sitting.




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