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Douglas County child dies of suspected ‘brain-eating’ amoeba

Douglas County child dies of suspected ‘brain-eating’ amoeba



OMAHA, Nebraska (KMTV) – A local child died this week from a suspected case of primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), the Douglas County Department of Health said in a news release Wednesday afternoon. Further testing from the CDC is required to confirm the case.

The disease is caused by an organism called Naegleria fowleri and is sometimes called the “brain-eating amoeba.” It was the same organism that caused it. Missourians die after swimming in three lakes of fire in Iowa early this summer.

Health officials say the child may have contracted the virus while swimming in the Elkhorn River on Sunday.

“If confirmed, this will be the first known death from Naegleria fowleri in the history of the state of Nebraska,” the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NDHHS) said in a news release.

The NDHHS also says the creature usually occurs when the water temperature rises for a long period of time and the water warms up.

Read the Douglas County press release below.

“This week, a Douglas County child died of a suspected infection with Naegleria fowleri, which he likely contracted while swimming in the Elkhorn River on Sunday. (PAM), the CDC is conducting further investigations to confirm.

The Douglas County Department of Health (DCHD) urges residents to take precautions while exposed to freshwater sources such as rivers, lakes and streams. Naegleria Fowleri is present in many freshwater sources and has been identified further north as formerly cold regions become warmer and drier.

Single-celled organisms can infect humans when water containing amoeba enters the body through the nose, usually while swimming or diving. You cannot become infected by drinking contaminated water, and the infection cannot spread from person to person. Symptoms usually develop 1 to 12 days after infection and may include headache, fever, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms can progress to stiff neck, confusion, seizures, and other neurological symptoms. Death occurs in 97% of cases within about 5 days after symptoms begin.

by blocking your nose, not submerging your head and/or getting water in your nose, avoiding stirring sediments, and avoiding fresh water sources during the later weeks of summer when water temperatures are warmer and water levels are lower. , can reduce the risk of PAM. Activities such as water skiing and high-speed tubing that get water in or out of your nose, eyes, or mouth increase your risk.

Because organisms are present in so many places, testing natural water sources is generally not recommended.

“We can only imagine the devastation this family must have felt and our heartfelt condolences. We can respect that,” said health director Dr. Lindsay Hughes.

A press conference will be held at DCHD on Thursday, August 18 at 10:30 am. For more information on PAM, see his website at:”

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