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Monkeypox and Sex : NPR

Monkeypox and Sex : NPR


People line up to get the monkeypox vaccine.

Spencer Pratt/Getty Images



Spencer Pratt/Getty Images

People line up to get the monkeypox vaccine.

Spencer Pratt/Getty Images

According to the report, men who have sex with men are still by far the most affected people with monkeypox. whoAnd that’s raising some hurdles when it comes to public health messages about how people can protect themselves. All run the risk of further stigmatizing gay and bisexual men.

But experts said it’s important to put sex at the center of monkeypox conversations, despite its risks.

“We need to be clear about who is really at risk and how they are getting the virus,” said epidemiologist Chris Baylor, incoming director of the Duke Global Health Institute.

It is possible to acquire monkeypox by means other than sex, such as by touching fabric used by a monkeypox patient, but such cases are extremely rare. So far, sexual contact between men remains the main route of transmission in the current outbreak., this is It is important to keep in mind, especially era of vaccine shortages“During times of vaccine shortage, vaccines should be tried and used to break the chain of infection,” Baylor said. “It is important to try to contain the outbreak by increasing herd immunity rates in networks where infection is spreading.”

Beyrer said one of the biggest public health challenges is limiting risky sex-related behaviors. In other words, it advises queer and gay people to reduce the number of sexual partners and avoid close contact with strangers.

A message reminiscent of early HIV/AIDS messages.

“I’ve noticed that people have an element of homophobia and an element of antisex where sexuality is such a big part of their identity,” Baylor said.

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Jennifer Brier is an HIV/AIDS historian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. There was a discussion about how to talk about monkeypox, so there were discussions about whether monkeypox counted as her STI, and so on. How should we think about the bad actors calling it the “gay disease”? how to have sex in fashionWritten by two men, Michael Callen and Richard Berkowitz, in response to lack of information from the government.

The booklet contained direct and detailed information on the dangers of sexual activity during the HIV/AIDS crisis, initially in a screed titled We Know Who We Are: Two Gay Men Declare War on Promiscuity. started as

“And people went banana pants with that article,” Brier said. “You’re attacking gay liberation, that’s who we are.” We were trying to understand the model before it existed.”

This is a playbook that people are still learning lessons from today. Nick Diamond is response dummya community-led effort to anonymously collect data on sexual networks among queer and trans people in New York City. In response, Diamond said, “6 ways to have safe sex in monkeypox times.

“I am the first to say that I have relied on AIDS response activists to develop these actions around the response to monkeypox,” Diamond said.

But he adds that the picture is incomplete: HIV/AIDS is a much more deadly disease, and it occurred politically at a different time. That said, Diamond says people still struggle to talk about queer and trans sex.

“When you’re talking about monkeypox, you have to talk about sex. I think these are uncomfortable conversations, but it’s one of the determinants of our health and rights,” Diamond said. rice field.

In doing so, it is important to talk about human sexuality as a whole. While men who have sex with men are currently at the center of the monkeypox epidemic, HIV/AIDS historian Jennifer Brier says certain phrasing may be limiting. said. Men who have sex with men don’t just have sex with men.

“Our sexual desires and sexual behaviors are more complicated than any words can describe,” she said.




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