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Man diagnosed with Lyme disease 10 years ago responds to vaccine trial

Man diagnosed with Lyme disease 10 years ago responds to vaccine trial


JACKSON, Mississippi (WLBT) – If you enjoy the great outdoors, chances are you’ve checked for ticks before leaving the woods to prevent complications from bites. But an additional layer of protection in the form of a Lyme disease vaccine is approaching reality.

“Did the ticks do all this damage?” asked Austin Calhoun. “1 tick?”

Austin Calhoun was 17 when he noticed marks behind his knees.

“I had big bullseye marks,” Calhoun explained.

It was treated as a staphylococcal infection, but weeks and months had passed and Austin’s health had deteriorated.

“And it was causing all these new symptoms,” Calhoun said. “I had seizures, chronic nausea and vomiting, chronic fatigue, memory problems. It was like being in a constant fog and it hurt everywhere.”

Austin’s mom, Angie, says she went to 22 doctors to find out what was wrong.

“For Austin, it went into his autonomic nervous system and wreaked havoc on everything his body does automatically,” she explained. It was excruciating to watch.”

Austin was diagnosed with Lyme disease over a year after what they believed was the first bite. But he’s still dealing with symptoms more than a decade later. I asked the doctor if there are people who are not cured.

Dr. Steve Thlerkeld, Director of Infectious Diseases at Baptist Memorial, said:

Northeastern states have reported higher concentrations of Lyme disease.

“Lyme disease in this region in particular is less important than other tick-borne diseases, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Ehrlichia, which are concentrated in this region,” Threlkeld said.

Dr. Tulip Jhaveri, Assistant Professor of Medicine, UMMC School of Medicine, said:

A rash is the biggest sign to see a doctor, but…

“The tricky part is that it’s almost always the nymphal form of the tick, so you may not always know if you’ve been bitten by a tick,” Dr. Jaberi said. So it’s easy to miss.”

The Calhouns are hopeful that the vaccine, which is in the final stages of testing, will help avoid the journey to health that others have experienced.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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