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Nearly half of global cancer deaths are attributed to preventable risk factors, new study suggests

Nearly half of global cancer deaths are attributed to preventable risk factors, new study suggests


“To the best of our knowledge, this study is the largest effort to date to determine the global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, and the burden attributable to the risk of specific cancers within a country. , internationally, and globally,” Chris Murray, Ph.D., director of the Institute for Health Measurement and Evaluation at the University of Washington, and his colleagues wrote in the study. increase.

Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the paper used data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation to analyze the relationship between risk factors and cancer, the second leading cause of death worldwide. global burden of disease business.

This project collects and analyzes global data on mortality and disability. Murray and his colleagues focused on cancer deaths and disability in his 204 countries from 2010 to his 2019, looking at 23 cancer types and 34 risk factors.

The leading cancers in risk-attributable deaths globally in 2019 were tracheal, bronchial, and lung cancers in both men and women, researchers found.

The data also show that risk-related cancer deaths are on the rise, increasing by 20.4% globally from 2010 to 2019. In 2019, the top five regions for risk-attributable mortality were Central Europe, East Asia, and North Asia. America, southern Latin America, western Europe.

“These findings highlight that a significant proportion of the global cancer burden could be prevented through interventions aimed at reducing exposure to known cancer risk factors. , also underscores that a large proportion of the cancer burden may not be averted by controlling currently putative risk factors,” the researchers wrote. “Therefore, efforts to reduce cancer risk must be combined with comprehensive cancer control strategies, including efforts to support early diagnosis and effective treatment.”

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A new study “understands” the importance of primary cancer prevention, and “the rising number of cancers associated with obesity clearly needs our attention,” said the new study. Dr. William Dahat, Chief Scientific Officer of the American Cancer Society, said: , wrote in an email to CNN.

“Modifying behavior has the potential to save far more lives than any drug ever approved,” he wrote, adding, “It has been associated with cancer for nearly 65 years. Nonetheless, the continued effects of tobacco remain highly problematic.”

Tobacco use is lower in the United States than in other countries, but tobacco-related cancer deaths remain a major problem, disproportionately affecting certain states, writes Dahut.

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Another study published earlier this month International Journal of CancerThe estimated percentage of cancer deaths attributed to smoking among adults aged 25 to 79 in 2019 ranged from 16.5% in Utah to 37.8% in Kentucky, according to the WHO. Estimated total lost income from smoking-related cancer deaths ranged from his $32.2 million in Wyoming to $1.6 billion in California.

“Additionally, it’s no secret that alcohol use and a dramatic increase in median BMI lead to a significant number of preventable cancer deaths,” Daft added. As we move into an accuracy-based and adaptive world, cancer screening is especially important for those at high risk.”

of Editorials published alongside new research In The Lancet, Dr. Diana Sarfati and Jason Gurney of New Zealand’s Te Aho o Te Kahu Cancer Control Agency write that cancer-related preventable risk factors tend to pattern according to poverty. .

“Poverty affects the environments in which people live, and those environments shape the lifestyle decisions they are able to make. Action to prevent cancer requires collaboration within and outside the health sector. This action includes specific policies focused on reducing exposure to cancer-causing risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol use, and reducing the risk of hepatitis B and HPV. Access to vaccinations that prevent cancer-causing infections, including cancer,” write Sarfati and Gurney.

“Primary cancer prevention by eradicating or reducing modifiable risk factors is our best hope for reducing the burden of cancer in the future,” they wrote. It will improve health and well-being, alleviating the compounding human impact and pressure on financial resources in cancer services and the broader health sector.”




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