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Stage 4 Cervical Cancer Cases Are Rising, Researchers Find : NPR

Stage 4 Cervical Cancer Cases Are Rising, Researchers Find : NPR


Researchers in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of California, Los Angeles have found an increase in cases of stage 4 cervical cancer. They suspect the young woman is not getting regular checkups.

Susie Pratt/Getty Images for Hologic



Susie Pratt/Getty Images for Hologic

Researchers in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of California, Los Angeles have found an increase in cases of stage 4 cervical cancer. They suspect the young woman is not getting regular checkups.

Susie Pratt/Getty Images for Hologic

A new study finds that late-stage cervical cancer cases are on the rise in the United States, and some researchers believe that a decline in screening among young women means more women are facing the deadly disease. We hypothesize that this may be the reason for the diagnosis.

Although the overall incidence of cervical cancer in the United States is trending downward, the number of women suffering from the advanced stages of the disease, which has a 5-year survival rate of 17%, is increasing.

Researchers in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of California, Los Angeles have embarked on a Stage 4 study. cervical cancer By analyzing data from 2001 to 2018, trends in the country were revealed. International Journal of Gynecologic Cancers, they found Advanced stages of the disease increased by 1.3% per year, with the largest increase among Southern white women aged 40 to 44 years, among whom the number of cases increased by 4.5% per year.

The researchers also found that black women had an overall higher rate of late-stage cervical cancer, 1.55 per 100,000 compared to 0.92 per 100,000 for white women.

Dr. Alex Francoeur, a fourth-year OB-GYN resident at UCLA, said the team’s recent study Research published last yearfound a 3.39% annual increase in advanced cases among women aged 30 to 34 years.

“This is a disease in which only 17% of patients live longer than five years,” Franccourt said. “So when you’re 30 and can’t live past your 35th birthday, it’s a tragedy.”

of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that women begin the Pap test at age 21 and follow up every three years depending on their health history. Screen for precancers that can be surgically removed if detected.Cervical cancer found early can live for 5 years Survival rate 90 and above.

Women should also get regular human papillomavirus (HPV) tests, according to the National Cancer Institute guidelines. of virus linked Over 90% of all anal and cervical cancers, and high rates of other cancers.

Franccourt suspects many women are postponing routine testing because they have no health concerns. According to the CDCis so common that most sexually active people will contract the virus at some point in their lives.

Another concern is that the most recent figures are for 2018 and do not include the COVID-19 pandemic, during which routine health care was suspended for many.

“I am concerned that over the last two years there have been many barriers for people to access health care,” she said. “I think this trend might get a little worse before it gets better.”

“If you’re in your late 20s or early 30s and don’t have any health problems, you need a doctor because regular checkups are life-saving,” recommends Franccourt.




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