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Bird flu outbreak in Henry County threatens Georgia’s poultry industry

Bird flu outbreak in Henry County threatens Georgia’s poultry industry


Atlanta, GA (CBS46) – State health officials are sounding the alarm after detecting bird flu in Henry County. Authorities discovered he had the H5N1 virus at Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary in Locust Grove. Over the past three days, several state and federal agencies have worked to contain the virus.

The Georgia Department of Agriculture, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and the USDA are on site. The facility is under quarantine.

Noah’s Ark is an animal sanctuary and non-profit organization that accepts exotic wild and domestic animals. They also save many birds. There are currently about 400 birds on the site.

After several birds died on Noah’s Ark from bird flu, state and federal crews are testing all birds and wild birds within a two-mile radius of the facility.

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Agriculture Department representatives say the facility noticed an unusual number of wild black vulture carcasses on their property last week. It was then that facility officials reported their findings to the state.

The state quickly conducted tests on the dead bird and found it to be infected with bird flu.

Avian flu can kill bird populations, but Agriculture Department representatives say there is no immediate risk to people or pets.

“Although bird flu is highly detrimental to domestic bird populations, the risk of spreading it to animals and humans remains low,” said Warren Boe of the Department of Agriculture.

A CBS46 crew watched the vehicle leave the facility on Monday. The crew sprayed the vehicle’s tires before leaving the facility. According to the Mayo Clinic, the disease is transmitted primarily through contact with infected bird droppings.

Avian influenza outbreaks pose a major threat to Georgia’s $24.6 billion poultry industry. State Senator Emmanuel Jones is a member of the Henry County Delegation. He says containing the virus is a top priority.

“Birds are migratory birds. It will make an impact.

The USDA could not confirm how many birds were found to be infected with bird flu, but said many birds were likely to be euthanized as part of the decontamination process.

“Our Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary care team provides a safe and healthy environment for our animals, so it is standard practice to work with state and federal authorities. Our priority is the safety and health of the animals and our community,” Noah’s Ark said in a statement to CBS46.

A sign posted at the front entrance of the property says it is currently closed to the public.

It will be closed from August 23rd to August 27th, according to a notice posted on the sanctuary’s Facebook page. The post does not explain why it will be closed.




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