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Coronavirus: Health Commission Undertakes Mandatory Mask Issues in Hamilton-Hamilton


Mayor Hamilton says the city is awaiting recommendations from city health officials as to whether or not to enforce mandatory facial masks in all commercial and indoor public spaces COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing.

On Tuesday, Dr. Elizabeth Richardson revealed an ongoing public health debate on a mandatory mask plan, but didn’t say it was imminent because the city had a small number of cases.

Conversation became vigorous as many municipalities in Ontario recently passed ordinances requiring masks such as Toronto, Peel, Guelph and Kingston.

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Debates on mandatory masks in closed public spaces in Hamilton, Ontario

“It’s currently being deployed in different ways in different parts of the state, and in part is related to the epidemiology of the cases that occur,” Richardson said.

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“For example, if you look at Kingson, Outbreak Related to those who do not wear a mask in their personal service settings. “

Richardson said results in other parts of the state could impact decisions that could be made at a July 10 Health Board meeting.

Meanwhile, health care practitioners say public health is in trouble trying to collect racial and socioeconomic data in its daily COVID-19 statistics.

Since early May, defenders of marginalized residents of Hamilton have called on public health to begin collecting more detailed information about those who test positive for the new coronavirus.

Kojo Dumpty, Executive Director of the Hamilton Citizen Comprehensive Center (HCCI), helps the city “find ways to address people overly affected by the coronavirus” as the city needs more comprehensive data. Said.

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Hamilton supporters want to track race and income data in the COVID-19 case

“If you don’t have these numbers, how do you make the right decision?” Dumpty said.

Richardson said he had talked with city officials in compiling race and socio-economic data, but she said attempts to gather such information were “delicate”.

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“We have found that some people are more comfortable answering one or the other question, so for our given question, our response rate is not always that high,” Richard said. Song said.

“That is, it takes a bit of time to get a meaningful number for doing data analysis.”

Richardson said other factors included a reduction in the number of cases in the city, which has limited the pool of people to elicit relevant COVID-19 information, which the city has ethical advice from Let’s look back at the data that said you may need to be contacted in connection with.

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Public Health is still targeting a possible September release for data online.

Hamilton reported no new COVID-19 cases on Friday

According to public health, Hamilton, Ontario, did not report a new case of coronavirus on 3 July, so the city had 843 confirmed cases as of Friday, with 835 confirmed and 8 estimated. It has been.

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There are currently no outbreaks within the organization in the city, and there are only three COVID-19 patients in the hospital. One at the Hamilton Health Sciences hospital and two at St. Joseph’s.

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165 new cases of coronavirus reported in Ontario, the lowest increase in deaths since late March

To date, 752 (89%) of known COVID-19 cases in the city have been resolved.

No new deaths were reported on Friday, with a total of 44 coronavirus-related deaths. Thirty-four of the city’s deaths are associated with outbreaks within the facility.

Niagara Region Reports Two New COVID-19 Cases

Public health officials in Niagara reported two new cases of coronavirus on Friday. There are a total of 762 cases in this area, 29 of which are active.

No new deaths have been reported in the area, with a total of 61 people, 50 associated with nursing homes or nursing homes.

Outbreaks occur at three facilities in the area, including a long-term care facility (Garden City Manor in St. Catharines and Crescent Park Lodge in Fort Erie).

Eighty-eight percent (672) of Niagara cases have been resolved.

Haldimand-Norfolk has not reported any new COVID-19 cases

The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit (HNHU) did not report a new case of COVID-19 on Friday, with 444 positive laboratory-confirmed cases in the area.

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271 of these patients have since recovered, officials said.

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Heat warning issued across the Hamilton-Niagara region over the weekend

There are 32 COVID-19-related deaths in the area, 27 of whom reside in the Anson Place Care Center, a nursing home, and 27 are in Hagersville.

Halton region reports four new COVID-19 cases

Halton Region reported four new cases of COVID-19 on Friday. At present, there are 843 cases in this area, of which 762 cases are positive and 81 cases are estimated.

As of 3 July, 25 people had been killed in the area associated with COVID-19 and 12 were the result of an outbreak on site.

Public health says 762 cases, or more than 90%, have been resolved.

The area has had only one outbreak within the facility at Waterford’s long-term care facility in Oakville.

At the end of June, three outbreaks of nursing homes in Burlington were declared at Creekway Village, Billing Court and CAMA Woodlands.

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Quebec reports 19 new coronavirus deaths, 89 new cases Friday

79 of all Halton cases are associated with institutional resident or patient.

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Brandt County Has Not Reported New COVID-19 Cases

The Brant County Health Unit (BCHU) did not report new COVID-19 cases on Friday. As of July 3, a total of 122 confirmed cases have been confirmed in the area.

The county is still killing four people, with a total of 117 cases.

There are no outbreaks at the property as Telfer Place’s second retirement residence ended Monday.

Coronavirus: Unanswered Questions About COVID-19

Coronavirus: Unanswered Questions About COVID-19

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