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‘Parvovirus-like illness’ in Michigan dogs investigated, dozens deaths reported

‘Parvovirus-like illness’ in Michigan dogs investigated, dozens deaths reported


In Ossego County alone, more than 20 dogs have died from the disease, usually within days of vomiting, bloody diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite. said on friday On facebook.
In Clare County, three counties south of Michigan, more than 30 dogs died from similar symptoms this month, the county’s animal control officer told county officials last week. Cleaver, County ClareSimilar reports have been made in northern and central Michigan.
These are symptoms that can be caused by canine parvovirusKnown as “parvo,” it is a highly contagious virus that most commonly affects unvaccinated dogs and puppies under 4 months of age, according to the American Veterinary Association.
Details on whether Parvo is involved in a Michigan litigation dispute. Affected dogs were parvo-negative at initial screening by a veterinarian. Osego County Shelter Clare County Animal Control Commissioner Said.
However, some of the first samples submitted to Michigan State University’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory were positive for parvovirus. lab and the State Department of Agriculture said Monday.
“But there are pending results and there is still much to learn,” said state veterinarian Dr. Nora Wineland. Said In a news release from the agriculture sector.

The USDA called it a “canine parvovirus-like illness,” and said MSU’s diagnostic laboratory was cooperating in investigating the case.

According to the county shelter, affected dogs in Ossego County were typically younger or older dogs.

“We have never seen a properly vaccinated dog die,” the shelter’s Facebook post said.

Routine dog vaccinations include those against parvovirus, and dog owners should ensure their pets are vaccinated, the USDA said.

Canine parvovirus is spread by dog-to-dog contact and contact with contaminated faeces and the environment, says the Veterinary Society. It is not contagious to humans or other types of animals, according to the State Department of Agriculture.

Because there are no drugs to kill parvovirus in infected dogs, treatment for the virus focuses on supporting the body’s systems, including replacing electrolytes, proteins, and fluid losses, so the immune system can fight the infection. can fight. To tell.

Parvovirus survival rates can “approach 90%” with proper treatment, but when fatal, it usually occurs 48 to 72 hours after symptoms begin, the association says.

The Osego County shelter has highlighted the challenges that an initial negative test may have posed for recent cases.

“There are many similar diseases, so vets may treat them differently,” the shelter’s post read.




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