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NS reports first monkeypox case in resident

NS reports first monkeypox case in resident


A handout photo distributed by the NIAID Integrated Research Facility in Fort Detrick, Md. shows a colorized transmission electron micrograph of a monkeypox particle (yellow) found within an infected cell (blue). .HO/Canadian Press

Health officials in Nova Scotia reported Tuesday the first case of monkeypox involving a resident of the state, less than a week after health advocates called on the government to “get ahead” of the virus.

A Nova Scotia man contracted monkeypox while traveling out of state and developed symptoms after returning home, the Department of Health said in a statement.

On August 18, health organizations including the Nova Scotia AIDS Coalition, Community-Based Research Centers and Nova Scotia Sexual Health called on the government to take action to combat monkeypox. The letter was also signed by Dalhousie University professor and human rights attorney Wabanaki Two-Spirit and representatives of his Alliance.

The group recommended that Nova Scotia increase access to vaccines, provide financial support to ensure monkeypox patients can be isolated, and provide more information about the virus online.

“The opportunity to stay ahead of this new public health challenge is now, before community transmission is established in the state,” told Chief Medical Officer Dr. Robert Strang and Health Minister Michelle Thompson last week. I am reading the letter you sent.

The letter notes that the recent monkeypox outbreak in Canada is a growing public health threat, posing challenges to many marginalized communities.

“Currently, monkeypox is overwhelmingly affecting communities of two-spirit, gay, bisexual, trans and queer men who have sex with men and nonbinary people,” the letter said.

The government said it would work with the federal government to increase supplies of the Imvamune vaccine, which helps protect against the virus. said to have identified.

The state has received 160 doses of the monkeypox vaccine, which will be reserved for confirmed cases and close contacts of people at high risk of infection, the state said.

In late July, the state reported two locally confirmed cases of monkeypox involving people outside Nova Scotia.

“Although monkeypox cases have been reported in other Canadian jurisdictions, the risk of exposure remains low,” Strang said in a statement.

The Department of Health said it is working with Sexual Health Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia AIDS Coalition to establish a pre-exposure vaccination program for high-risk groups.

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