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Q&A: Infectious Disease Experts on Monkeypox Cases and Vaccine Status

Q&A: Infectious Disease Experts on Monkeypox Cases and Vaccine Status


The World Health Organization announced Thursday 21% reduction in monkeypox cases A global increase over the past week gives hope that the current outbreak may be beginning to slow down.

as of thursday 242 infections It has been reported in San Diego since June, according to the latest county data.

Dr. Robert SchooleyAn infectious disease specialist at UC San Diego Health and a professor at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. The following interview has been lightly edited for clarity.

Q: What can I get from WHO The announcement that monkeypox cases are declining worldwide?

A: There is evidence that things are starting to calm down in the Bay Area as well. And I think a lot of this reflects the fact that knowledge about how the virus is transmitted, behaviors are changing and people are getting vaccinated is spreading. of the early AIDS pandemic.

Q: What is the current monkeypox situation in San Diego County? Are cases here on the rise or following a global decline?

A: It’s still on the rise. However, the rate of increase is slowing. Dr. Rob Knight’s group is looking at monkeypox DNA in the Point Loma wastewater, which is slightly reduced. So we might see a small reduction here. I think that’s great.

Q: What are you particularly concerned about as the infection continues to spread in Japan?

A: Yes, an infected person can be very affected in terms of pain and having to miss work, and it’s very devastating. Is not … I was hospitalized about 5 times. But what really worries me is the effect on the people who get it.

There are concerns that the virus may invade other populations. There have been concerns for some time that it may have permeated the homeless population, but so far it has been slow.

But in the long term, people worry that monkeypox will spread to non-human populations we interact with.In other words, pets, rodents, and other things around us. Monkeypox is not as restricted a virus as smallpox. Smallpox really only infects humans. That’s how we eradicated smallpox. Monkeypox can invade rodents. It is the natural host of Africa. There have been reports of dogs contracting the disease after sleeping with monkeypox patients.

So while we work to vaccinate humanity and return it to future concerns rather than current concerns, we want to try to keep the virus away from other populations.

Q: The county said it will be distributing 700 vials of vaccine to local health care providers this week. Each vial is said to contain about five doses of the vaccine.

A: I doubt it. I think it needs to be strengthened considerably. It’s a shortage nationwide, but it’s starting to catch up. I don’t think we’re going to see a glut of vaccines in the next few months in terms of who should really be vaccinated.

A vaccine trial has begun at UCSD looking at the JYNNEOS vaccine, confirming that the low dose currently in use induces the right amount of immunity. doing. And it will probably open here in September. And we hope that more patients will be dosed through the health department in addition to this trial.

Q: If someone receives their first dose but is unable to receive their second dose because they are on the waiting list or simply unavailable, what is their situation?

The first dose helps. Although not as protective as both doses, the first dose certainly reduces the chances of getting infected if exposed, and reduces the chances of getting a severe infection if infected. People who are on the way to are still going to have to be careful with their exposure, but they are partially protected, so it is good to have medications they can start.

Q: Who is currently eligible for the vaccine and how do I make an appointment?

County health departments will provide information about which doctors have access to vaccines. People who have had intermittent close contact with monkeypox patients should be vaccinated.

As access to vaccines increases, men who have sex with men should consider vaccination. It protects them from exposure. But for now, it’s primarily for people exposed through intimate contact or occupational risk.

Q: Did the name monkeypox come from monkeys?

A: No, it’s really kind of a misnomer. Its natural hosts are predominantly rodents and were primarily restricted to his two regions of Africa, West Africa and Congo. The first reported case was a monkey that happened to be transported to Germany from Africa. Therefore, it was considered monkeypox.

In practice, however, the virus is far less restricted than many other viruses, being able to multiply in monkeys, humans, dogs, cats, and rodents, but it lives primarily in rodents. Pox is clearly not the best descriptor for it.

Q: What additional measures should perhaps be taken to stop the spread?

No, be sexually careful now. A vaccine will come out, and after the vaccine is complete, it will be safer. Limiting the number of partners made a huge difference but I think he is one. This is something we should all be very happy with, and we have to commend the community for going above and beyond and taking responsibility for making this happen. Control.




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