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CDC cautiously optimistic Outbreak may be slowing

CDC cautiously optimistic Outbreak may be slowing


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is cautiously optimistic that the United States is slowing the spread of monkeypox as new cases are declining in several major cities.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Wallenski told reporters on Friday in an update on the monkeypox outbreak.

Monkeypox cases are still rising nationwide, but the rate of the outbreak appears to be slowing, Warenski said. Nearly 17,000 monkeypox cases have been reported.

New York City has reported more infections than any other jurisdiction, with new monkeypox cases rising from an average of more than 70 a day to nine as of Thursday, according to city health department data. decreased to

City health commissioner Dr Aswhin Vasan said earlier this week that increased vaccinations and community outreach efforts had slowed the outbreak. A total of 2,888 monkeypox cases have been reported in New York City.

In Chicago, another major epicenter of the outbreak, new cases fell from 141 in the week through July 30 to 74 in the week through August 20, according to the city’s health department. Chicago has reported a total of 807 cases.

“It’s encouraging because we don’t see the potential exponential growth that we saw in the early days,” Dr. Alison Alwadi, a public health commissioner for Chicago, said at a Facebook Live event earlier this week. It’s too early to say it looks good, but there are some signs that the epidemic is definitely slowing down.”

The United States is nearing the point where the entire gay and bisexual male community, who currently face the greatest health risk from monkeypox, will be able to receive two doses of the monkeypox vaccine, according to the Office of National Responsibility. said Dawn O’Connell, director of Stockpiled at the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

To date, the CDC has estimated that up to 1.7 million gay and bisexual men who are HIV-positive or eligible to take medication to reduce their chances of contracting HIV are at greatest health risk from monkeypox. I’m assuming you’re facing

O’Connell said the US has distributed 1.5 million doses of the monkeypox vaccine so far, and more than 3 million doses should be available by the time the latest distribution round is completed.

To this day, the outbreak disproportionately affects black and Hispanic men. According to CDC data, about 30% of monkeypox cases are white, 32% are Hispanic, and 23% are black. Whites make up about 59% of the US population, while Hispanics and Blacks make up 19% and 13% respectively.

The monkeypox vaccine, called Jynneos in the United States, is given in two doses 28 days apart. According to the CDC, patients are not fully protected from the vaccine until two weeks after the second dose. According to Wallenski, data from 19 jurisdictions show that nearly 97% of injections ever given were first doses.

According to Demetre Daskalakis, deputy head of the White House’s monkeypox response team, about 94% of monkeypox cases are linked to sexual contact, and nearly all people infected with the virus have had sex with men. is doing.

A CDC survey of 824 gay and bisexual men found that 48% of respondents had reduced the number of sexual partners and 50% had reduced one-off sexual encounters during the current outbreak. It turns out that there is Another CDC study found that a 40% reduction in her one-time sexual activity reduced the final percentage of gay and bisexual men infected with monkeypox by up to 31%.

“We’re really seeing vaccines being disseminated, behaviors changing, and harm reduction messages being heard and implemented.” ”




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