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Monkeypox cases drop, but experts warn outbreak isn’t over

Monkeypox cases drop, but experts warn outbreak isn’t over
Monkeypox cases drop, but experts warn outbreak isn’t over


number of new monkeypox The number of cases in the United States has decreased by 40% since early August, indicating that the epidemic in the country may be weakening.

The seven-day average of newly reported cases decreased from a daily average of 465 on Aug. 10 to 281 on Aug. 31, according to an NBC News analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The overall drop in cases is largely due to lower cases in large cities such as New York City and Los Angeles.

Experts say much of that decline can be attributed to conscious behavioral changes People at highest risk of monkeypox — men who have sex with men and others in sexual networks.

Dr. Jay Varma, Director of the Pandemic Prevention and Response Center at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, said: research From the CDC who found a 50% reduction in risky connections.according to New York City Department of Healthcases declined consistently throughout August.

men having sex with men “Take their health seriously,” said Varma. “It came out of the experience of the HIV epidemic and intensive activism.”

The CDC is First case associated with outbreak in MaySince then, nearly 19,000 cases have been reported nationwide, with the majority (16,241) reported in August.

Widespread use of vaccines may also have contributed to the decline. As of August 30, 352,675 times Monkeypox vaccination was administered in areas where such data were reported.

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a briefing on Wednesday that cases were also declining in European countries, including Germany and the Netherlands.

With the right public health messages, vaccines and treatments, the virus could be eradicated, at least in Europe, he said.

“This is an epidemic that can be stopped,” he said.

Bruce Y. Lee, Ph.D., professor of health policy and management at the City University of New York, said the reduction in cases in the U.S. is encouraging, but the national figures are “the only indication of what’s really going on with the outbreak.” A measure of ”.Graduate School of Public Health.

“What we really want to know is the geographic spread of the virus,” Lee said.

While cases are declining in big cities such as Los Angeles, Miami and New York, other areas are still seeing increases, said Dr Christine England, an infectious disease specialist at the Cleveland Clinic.

“For those of us who live in small cities,” she said.

Englund says that while vaccination campaigns have been very successful in big cities, she and her colleagues have restricted monkeypox vaccination to those at the highest risk of infection or with the most severe consequences. I pointed out that I had to.

“We need more vaccines,” Englund said, to reflect the declines seen in other cities.

Public health officials continue their vaccination efforts across the country, and the White House on Tuesday announced additional steps to provide testing and vaccinations at large LGBTQ events.

To that end, future Southern decadence event in New Orleans.

“We expect tens of thousands of people to visit New Orleans this Labor Day weekend,” Louisiana Governor John Bell Edwards said at a briefing this week.

The federal government is sending a public health team to New Orleans to help set up monkeypox testing and vaccination sites ahead of the annual celebration, Edwards said.

Despite efforts to curb the spread of monkeypox, some public health officials have warned that the virus has taken hold in vulnerable areas, such as communities of color, which historically have barriers to adequate healthcare. I am worried about doing

Varma said it’s these vulnerable populations that may continue to fuel the epidemic.

“I hope monkeypox cases continue to decline sustainably,” he said. “But I don’t think that’s likely to happen.”

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