New Zealand confirms fifth monkeypox case
A fifth case of monkeypox has been detected in New Zealand, the Ministry of Health has confirmed.
The individual recently returned from overseas and is currently in quarantine in the Auckland area.
Manatū Hauora confirmed the case on Saturday night, said there was no evidence of community transmission and public health staff determined the country was at low risk.
The ministry said it has been advising public health departments and sexual health clinics over the past few weeks to help identify potential cases.
government secured There are over 500 monkeypox courses, but no date has been set for when they will become available.
who declared a global health emergency Monkeypox was confirmed in July, with more than 50,000 confirmed cases worldwide and a small number of deaths.
What is monkeypox?
Monkeypox used to be a rare and little-known infectious disease, but this year it has become more widespread around the world. In the UK, he has had about 3,000 confirmed cases since May, and the US Centers for Disease Control has reported almost 20,000 cases.
Infection is usually mild and poses a low risk to the general population, but vaccine stocks to protect against the virus are limited.
Monkeypox is caused by the monkeypox virus, which belongs to the same virus family as smallpox, but is much less severe and less contagious, experts say.
It occurs mainly in remote areas of Central and West African countries near tropical rainforests. Since the beginning of the year, he has had more than 1,200 monkeypox cases in these areas.
The virus is known to have two main strains, one in West Africa and one in Central Africa, and it is the mild strain in West Africa that is currently circulating in other parts of the world.
The unusually high number of people infected with monkeypox outside Africa, and the lack of travel links to the region, means there are community outbreaks in several places, including the UK and the US.
What are the symptoms?
Early symptoms include fever, headache, swelling, back pain, and muscle aches.
When the fever subsides, a rash may develop, often starting on the face and spreading to other parts of the body, most commonly the palms and soles of the feet.
The rash can be very itchy and painful, and changes before finally forming a scab, going through various stages, and then flaking off.The lesions can cause scarring.
Infections usually heal on their own and last 14 to 21 days.
Most cases of the virus are mild, sometimes similar to chickenpox, and resolve on their own within a few weeks.
Monkeypox can be more serious. The recent outbreak has killed at least 12 people worldwide.
listen: Dr. Jose Esparza – Mysterious virus that prevents monkeypox
how do i catch
Monkeypox can spread when someone comes into close contact with an infected person. Viruses can enter the body through broken skin, the respiratory tract, or through the eyes, nose, or mouth.
Although it has never been reported as a sexually transmitted disease, it can be transmitted through close contact.
UK health authorities advise everyone with the virus to abstain from sex while they have symptoms.
Although there is currently no evidence available that monkeypox can be spread through sexual fluids, people who are confirmed to have the virus are advised to use condoms for eight weeks after infection as a precaution. It is recommended.
It can also be transmitted through contact with infected animals, such as monkeys, mice, and squirrels, or through contaminated objects such as bedding and clothing.
Are gay men at greater risk?
Some cases have been seen in gay and bisexual men, but anyone who has been in close contact with someone who has monkeypox can contract the virus.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) says a “significant proportion” of recent cases in the UK and Europe have been found in gay and bisexual men. “.
How common are outbreaks?
The virus was first identified in captive monkeys, and sporadic outbreaks have been reported in 10 African countries since 1970.
An outbreak occurred in the United States in 2003, the first outside of Africa. The patient contracted the disease through close contact with prairie dogs infected by small mammals imported into the country. A total of 81 cases were reported, with no deaths.
In 2017, Nigeria experienced the largest known outbreak. He had 172 suspected cases and 7% of the victims he was male between the ages of 21 and 40.
What is the treatment?
Outbreaks can be controlled through infection control.
Vaccination against smallpox has been proven to be 85% effective in preventing monkeypox.
Antivirals could also help, NZ secured About 500 times with one bottleFor this reason, it is called tecovirimat.
-RNZ with BBC (source WHO and UKHSA)
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