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By 2050, the number of Canadians with dementia is expected to triple, according to the Alzheimer’s Association

By 2050, the number of Canadians with dementia is expected to triple, according to the Alzheimer’s Association


a new research Researchers at the Alzheimer’s Association of Canada predict that the number of people with dementia in Canada will triple over the next 30 years.

The study used data from Statistics Canada to create a representative population of people living in Canada, and in what is called a “micro-simulation”, how many of those people would develop dementia over time. I checked.

In 2020, over 597,000 Canadians had dementia. By 2050, that number is expected to reach her 1.7 million.

“As Canada’s baby boomers continue to age, the number of Canadians living with dementia will increase significantly,” the report’s author, Dr. Joshua Armstrong, said in a news release.

Statistics Canada data from the beginning of the year It shows that the population over the age of 65 is increasing. There are 7 million Canadians in this age group, about 19% of the total population. That’s up from 16.9% since the last census five years ago.

The term dementia describes a general group of progressive, degenerative and ultimately terminal brain disorders. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, but several others fall under this umbrella.

Symptoms of dementia include memory loss, poor judgment, difficulty solving problems, and changes in behavior, mood, and personality.

And while most people have some experience with amnesia The World Health Organization estimates that only about 8% of people will be diagnosed with dementia as they age.

According to the Society, dementia usually affects people over the age of 65, but people in their 40s and 50s can be diagnosed as well.

Jennifer Lyle, CEO of the B.C. Alzheimer’s Association, said the health care system needs to prepare for what may come.

“From talking to families of people affected by dementia, we know that access to things like primary care, home care, and respite services is extremely important,” she said. on the coast Host Gloria Makarenko.

“And these are often the first things to be reduced or impacted when our healthcare system is under stress. So things like that are very important for future investments. ”

The Alzheimer’s Association of Canada estimates that the total cost of care for people with dementia is about $10.4 billion One last year.

Increased need for caregivers

As the number of people with dementia increases, the need for care will increase. According to the report, in 2020 he will have more than 50,000 of her friends and family members providing that support in B.C. alone, and by 2050 he is expected to grow to 144,900.

The BC Alzheimer’s Association already has a shortage of caregiver support volunteers and is actively recruiting.

Amelia Gillies, support and education coordinator for the BC Alzheimer’s Association, said there are 75 different support programs statewide.

“We now have a full hybrid model, so we are offering all of the virtual programs that we launched with COVID and are also in person,” she said. “So more programs were offered and the need for volunteers increased dramatically.”

Ryle said about 88% of caregivers are of working age and may be forced to quit their jobs to care for loved ones.

“It’s also very much a gender issue, as the majority of people who act as family caregivers are women.”

on the coast6:43Number of Canadians living with dementia expected to rise

Alzheimer Society of BC CEO Jen Lyle talks to Gloria Macarenko about the impact baby boomers have on these numbers.




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